New Student

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Description: Jack is a 10 year old human boy. Anti is his twin, also 10, demon boy. Jack is made fun of at school for having a demon twin and Anti I'd homeschooled because bullying was so bad.

Jack's POV
I walk into class and several kids snicker and whisper. Probably because my hair looks like a green mop...
I sit at my desk and the teacher walks in.
T: Children, We have a new student. This is Mark.
He motions to a short boy. His hair is flaming red. The only open seat is next to me and he sits and keeps his head low.
J: Hey, I'm Jack. Your hair is really cool.
M: O-Oh ..Thanks...Do you think...You could show me around? I have no idea where anything is...
J: Oh, Ofcourse. Just stick with me and I'll take you to lunch, show you the library, and bathrooms.
M: Thanks, Jack.
J: Your welcome!

Mark's POV
Wow...This kid is so nice. He doesn't even know me and he is talking to me, complimenting me, and gonna show me around.
~time skip to lunch~
I follow Jack out of the class and he leads me down a hall. Everything is going fine until a group approaches us.
J: Oh shit...
Jack turns to me and mouths "RUN". I turn and run off. I open a random door and close it behind me. I'm in the janitors closet. Oh heck, WHAT ABOUT JACK!?

Jack's POV
I turn to Mark and mouth "run". He takes off into the Janitors closet. I turn back to face Felix and his group. Ken, Cry, and Felix all stand there.
F: Hey dipshit. Who's your boyfriend?
J: I'm not gay. I'm just helping him around. We aren't even friends.
F: Oh surreee. We totally believe that, fag.
I feel my face heat up. GOD I HATE HIM. I swing and make contact with his nose. He falls back and Ken steps forward.
Oh fuck...I'm in for it now...
He lunged at me but I quickly escape. I dart towards the Janitors closet and bang on the door.
J: Mark! OPEN IT!
The door swings open and I run in. I close it and lock it. We hear them outside the door.
K: Open the door! You scared!?
Someone kicked the door and yelled. I heard someone gasp then they ran off. A key was stuck in the door and it swung open.

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