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Warning: Self harm

Mark's POV
Anti is still in the bathroom and I'm sitting on the stairs. I don't hear anything. At all. It's really weird...I decide maybe I'll go knock. I walk up to the door and now I hear crying.
M: Anti...Jack is gone. It's just me.
Will you open the door? Will you talk to me?
A: G-go away...
M: No...I can't do that. I can't leave you in here all alone.
A: Go. Away.
M: Anti...open the door.
A: Please...Just...leave me alone!
He started crying again then I heard him wince. Wait...Wince? Is he hurt?
M: Anti, What's going on?
A: If I tell you don't tell Jack...I'll tell you why Dark left...
That's honestly not what I wanted to know but I want to know that too so I'll take it.
M: I promise I won't tell Jack.

Anti's POV
A: Just before Dark ran out...He found out something about me...
M: Okay...
I slide my back down the door and and sit with my legs out. I hold my arms out still and watch at the blood drips from the many slashes on my arms.
A: It was something no one knew...not even Jack and I don't know how he found out but...here we are.
M: Do you mind if I ask what it was?
A drop of blood slides down and my wrist and hits the floor amongst many others.
A: Well...when I was in school...
I pause and listen as Mark's back slides down the door and he sits.
A: I was very young at the time...
M: Go on...
A: I was kind of the "class whore". I was only five or six but...that's who I was...
The white floor was covered in puddles of blood and drops of blood.
A: I had fucked...every guy in my grade...and every teacher...
M: Why?
A: Dad did it...I thought I was supposed to...Then Dark didn't give me time to explain and now he id gone...
M: Anti...Will you open the door?
A: I... can't...
I was starting to feel woozy and dizzy.
M: Anti? Are you okay?
A: Can't...dizzy...

Mark's POV
I stand up and face the door. I see something slowly pooling out below the door. It is red. Thick, red, blood.
A: M-Mark?
I hear a thud and I panick. I try to open the door but it won't budge.
M: Anti! Anti speak to me! Open the door! Anti??
I finally get the door open and Anti is laying on the floor. His wrists are bleeding everywhere. I scoop him up and carry him to the kitchen. I put pressure on his wrists and call 911.
M: Yes. He slit his wrists...
M: He passed out...
M: Alot of blood.
M: Yes. East 120 Rd.
M: thank you...

Police show up and take Anti. I immediantly call Jack and he picks up.
M: Get back to the house, with or without Dark. Get here.
J: Where is Anti? Is he okay? Are you okay?!
M: I'll explain later...Just get here. I love you.
J: I'm on my way. Love u too.

Jack's POV
I turn around and sprint back towards the house. I am atleast a mile and a half out...
20 minutes and I'm in the drive way. Mark is getting in the car and I get in too. He has blood on his shirt and hand.
J: Where is Anti? Why is there blood on you? What's going on?
M: Anti slit his wrists...
J: What!?
M: He said Dark found out about his life when he was a kid...
J: oh...
M: Anti locked tge bathroom door and tried to kill himself. I couldn't get in but I tried...I'm so sorry.
J: It's fine. It's not your fault.
M: I called 911 and they took him to the hospital.
J: Thank you...You tried to help he just wouldn't let you...
M: Yeah...I hope he is okay.
J: I really wish I had found Dark. He needs to be here for this.
M: Yeah...He will come back. I left a note on the front door. If says "Anti is hurt. At the hospital"
J: Good...Maybe he will come back.
M: I know he will. He had to. He loves Anti. He was just angry.
J: Yeah. And Anti will come back from this. He has to.
M: He will.

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