(End) Goodbye

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Mark's POV
Me and Dark sit nervously in the waiting room. Once again the doctor walks out.
Dr: Mr. Fishbach?
I stand.
M: That's me. Mark.
Dr: I have some good news...and some bad news...
M: Bad news first.
Dr: Jack only has a slim chance of making it. And the good news, Jack is alive.
Dark stands next to me.
D: What about his demon form, Anti?
Dr: Dark?
D: Yes.
Dr: His final words were "I know Dark didn't mean it. He loves me"
D: Final words...
Dr: I'm sorry, Dark.

Jack's POV
I remember feeling something inside me disappear. I remember falling and blacking out. Then I wake up here. I try and talk but nothing comes out. I try again. My voice is horse but it's there.
J: Mark?
The doctor that I hadn't even noticed was standing there looks over at me.
Dr: I'll get him...
She leaves and comes back in with Mark. He raised his hand over his mouth and let's out a loud gasp.
J: I'm okay, Mark. Come here.
M: But...The doctor said...
J: I will probably die, I know...
M: But you can't die!
J: I'll be fine.
M: No...I need you.
J: I love you...
M: I love you too...

Mark's POV
Jack smiles and closes his eyes.
M: Dont go...Baby, Please. Don't go. Don't leave me. Stay. Fight it.
No response. The heart monitor sounds off a long, loud beep. I start crying and doctors come in.
They pull me out of the room and me and Dark have to leave. The car ride home was dead silent.
Anti is gone. Jack is gone. We loved them. I park the car at our actual house instead if the cabin.
M: Get out.
D: What?
M: I'm going to Jack's house. Get out.
He slowly gets out and goes inside. I restart the car and drive to Jack's place. When I park the car Jack's mom runs outside.
Jack's mom: I seen you out the  window, Where are my son's?
M: Jack and Anti are dead. They were human/demon twins. One died the other does too. Anti slit his wrist and died which cause Jack to die too.
She starts crying.
Jack's mom: What was their last words?
M: Jack said "I love you" to me and Anti said "I know Dark didn't mean it. He loves me". They had a fight. Neither of them wanted to say anything to you or the father. You were terrible parents and you made too many mistakes. This is your partly your fault. Anti and Jack weren't happy and that led Anti to cut. Nice going.
I get in my car and she falls to the ground crying. I drive away and back to my house. I go in and walk right past my mom and Dark. I go up to my room and lay down.
M: I don't wanna live without him...
I go to my closet and get out a belt. After tying it around my neck and the ceiling fan I stood on my chair. I step off the chair and it falls over. I squint my eyes and try not to squirm. The whole world goes black. Finally.

Darks POV
Me and Mom hear a loud thump from Mark's room and she gasps.
D: No! MARK!
I run upstairs and open his door. His lifeless body is just hanging there. I hear my mom on the stairs behind me.
D: Don't come any further!
Mom: What?
D: He's...gone...
We both start to cry and Wego downstairs and I call 911.
Anti is gone. Jack is gone. Mark is gone. Everyone I ever loved is gone besides Mom...
Shouldn't I be dead? If Mark dies I die!
D: Mom...I love you. So much. If Mark dies, I die. You know that.
But nothing ud happening...
I think to myself and stand there, hugging my mom.
Mom: There is a chance...
I nod but then my stomach clenched up. My vision starts to fade.
D: No! I won't die! I won't let myself!
I put my arms above my head and ball my fists and un-ball my fists. I think to myself I am alive. I have to live. For mom. For mom. For Mark. For Sean and Anti. Live. Live for you. Stay. Fight it!
Mom grabs me and pulls me down the stairs a d sets me on the couch. My vision is completely black. I don't hear anything. Memories showcase themselves in my mind.
I am running outside and I fall down, scraping me knee. Mark comes running be hind me and helps me stand.
M: You'll be okay.
~different memory~
I am sitting at home and Mark gets home from school. My door swings open and he has a black eye and tears stream down his face.
~end of memory~
I open my eyes and I'm in an ambulance.
EMT: Sir? Sir can you hear me?
D: Yes, I'm fine. I hear ya, Loud and clear.
EMT: My name is Dan, i am an-
D: EMT! I know. Now stop this damn ambulance and let me out.
EMT: What?
D: I will fucking kill you. I am a demon. Let. Me. Out.
The ambulance stops and I get out. I'm fine now...What happened? Am I that 1% that actually lived even though their other side died...? I start walking back to my house and when I enter the drive way some people are there to get Mark's body. Mom is crying on the sofa. I walk over and sit next to her.
Mom: You...YOU SRE ALIVE!?!?
D: Yeah...I guess I am.

Thank you all so much for reading!!!! Hope you loved it!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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