Road trip

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Mark's POV
I am doing my homework when the phone rings. I answer it and hear crying.
M: Hello? Who is this?
J: Mark...I was right!
M: What? What's happening?
J: My...My dad...
M: No...I'm coming over. Open your backdoor. Love you.
J: Love you too...
I hang up and grab my coat. I grab Dark and we sprint to Jack's house. We cut through the woods then come out in his back yard. He and Anti are at the back door waiting. Jack immediantly runs to me and hugs me. Anti iss hugging Dark and we don't even know what really happened. We hear yelling and Jack tenses up. I look over and Anti is crying again. I grab Jack's hand and pull him towards the woods. Anti and Dark follow and we all go out and hide in the woods. I peak through the trees and see a guy storm out of the house.
We watch as he looks around.
Then their mom came out.
Their mom: What are you yelling at?
Man: The shitheads are gone.
Their mom: Well forget them. Come inside with me.
They started kissing and he hand his hands up her shirt. I turned around and Dark's eyes were glowing red. Anti had his knees to his chest and Jack was trying to comfort him. I walk over and crouch Infront of both of them.
M: Listen...I have a place, a nice cabin, out of town. We are all gonna take a "vacation", okay?
Jack and Anti both look at me.
M: They won't know where you are. No one knows about it. Only me and my mom and Dark know about it. I used to go there over the summer. My mom will understand.
A: Thank you, Mark.
Anti hugged and I smiled. He doesn't trust very many people, I'm glad to know he trusts me. We stand up and I hold Jacks hand as we walk back to my house.

Jack's POV
Mark is litterally the love of my life. He cares so much about me and would do anything for me. I'm also really glad that Anti trusts him. I seen the surprise in Mark's eyes before he smiled when Anti hugged him. That warmed my heart. We approach Mark's house and his mom was on the porch reading a magazine.
Mark told me and Anti ro go inside while him and Dark talk to their mom.

Dark's POV
God I wanna kill that son of a bitch. He used to beat Anti because Anti is a demon. He used to torcher Anti. I'm gonna kill him one day.
M: Mom...remember the horrible things I told you about Sean and Anti's Dad?
Mom: Yes, why?
M: Well...Their mom...She is a drunk and she invited him back into their house...Jack called me and needed me to get them out if the house so we ran off into the woods and their Dad was yelling terrible things like "I'll kill you" at us.
Mom: Oh my gosh...Mark, I don't think they should go back.
M: That's what we decided. I want to take them to our cabin.
Mom: Just you guys?
M: Yeah. We'll buy food and everything we need then go. We just need your permission.
Mom: Yes. Just be careful. The key to the cabin is on my desk. Take some food out of our fridge and take some money out of the box under my bed. Take a few hundred dollars. Just in case.
M: Thank you.
D: Thanks, Mom.
After we did everything she said I grabbed some of my things and put them in the car. I hugged my mom and got in the car with Jack and Anti and Dark.

Jack's POV
On the way to the cabin we passed my house. So many good memories...
~flashback/memories thing~
Anti was jumping on the trampoline and pretending he could fly. We were both three years old and having the best time in our new house.
~~other flashback/memory~~
I walked in my bathroom and seen Anti with his arms out. His wrists were slit and gushing blood. He fell to the ground and I fell by his side.
~~other flashback/memory~~
I walk out of my room and smell pancakes. I'm back in my house in Ireland. My mom stands at the stove while flipping a pancake amd it sticks to the roof. I laughs nd she turns around.
Mom: Is that funny, Baby Boy?
I giggled and run to her. I jump in he arms and she picks me up. The pancake falls on my head and we both laugh.
~~end of flashback/memorys~~

Anti's POV
I start to dose off in the car so i just lean into Dark's shoulder. He happily cuddles me and I pass out on his arm. I dream about this beautiful cabin surrounded by woods and birds are singing.

Mark's POV
I look over and Jack is just staring out the window. He has been for thirty minutes now.
M: Jack?
M: Baby?
I out my hand on his thigh and he looks over at me.
J: Hi.
He smiles and I giggled. He sounds like a little kid.
M: You good?
J: Yeah. Just daydreaming.
M: Okay, baby.
I keep my hand on his leg and he blushes. I look in the rearview mirror to see Dark's nd Anti passed out. Anti is leaning into Dark's chest and Dark has his arm around him and his head is ontop of Anti's.

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