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Jack's POV
My mom called Mark's mom and asked if she thought it was a good idea to homeschool us. Mark's mom thought it was good so that's what we did. Me and Mark and now 16 and have been homeschooled since 10. Me and Mark started dating and we are still together. I'm so glad that I'm with him. Everything is going just fine. We've had dates, dinners, picnics, and hotel stays ;) . Everyday one of us is at the others house. Normally we stay at mine because my mom is an alcoholic and she passes out in a bar somewhere and we are home alone. Dark and Anti are still dating too. Anti has become more evil and so has Dark. I think that's just because they've gotten older though. Anti cusses alot now and when he gets mad he throws stuff and flips out worse than he used to. He is also getting a hankering for blood and that's just a demon thing but that's not supposed to happen until 18. Dark is the same way. Bloodthirsty, evil, and has a temper.

Mark's POV
6 years. I've been with Jack for six years. I remember the night I asked him out over the phone. I ran and told Dark about it. I also remember getting stuck in that damned closet. But it turned out to be a good thing. And the time Felix beat Jack up in the road and I punched him so many times. Then Dark strangled him and kicked him a bunch and threatened him. He never bothered us since. He litterally moved a few days after that. He went back to Sweden. Ken and Cry stayed away from us too. Felix probably warned them that they'd die if they came near us. Me and Jack never really had anyone but eachother...and honestly, he is all I ever needed.

Jack's POV
I hear the door open and I look over and see my ma stumble into the house. She trips and almost falls. She is wasted again. I get up and put an arm around her.
J: Here, let me help ya.
She leans against me as I walk her to the couch. She flops down on it and I go get her some coffee. I come back and she passed out. I set the coffee down and sigh. Why...
I go upstairs and get Anti and we start walking to Mark's.
J: Hey, Anti?
A: Yeah?
J: Why does Mom...get drunk?
A: I don't know. She has a job. Two great kids. Money. A home. What else does she want? What else could she want?
J: Maybe she wants Dad back...
A: Well I don't. He walked out on us. That was his call.
J: Yeah. I don't want him back either. But I think she does.
A: Do you think...
J: No. She knows what he did to you. She wouldn't bring him back into our lives.
A: Promise?
I knew this wasn't something I could promise...I know she misses Dad...
J: Promise.

Mark's POV
I look out the window and see Jack walking up to the house with Anti. I open the door and hug Jack. He hugs back and Anti just walks on in past us.
J: Hi Mark!
M: Hey Jacky.
I kiss him and pull him inside. I kiss him again.
M: I missed you!
J: I misses you too!
We kiss one more time and head out to the back yard. I have a tire swing in the tree that Jack loves but he doesn't swing high or fast he just sits and barely moves it. It's calming to him.
J: So, My mom...ya know she gets wasted and comes home...Well...
I was thinking why is she always drunk?? And...Me and Anti...we think she wants my dad back.
M: But didn't he...
J: Yeah. I don't want him back and Anti sure don't want him back but maybe our mom does and what do we do if she does? Let it happen? Anti would just get hurt all over again. Tell her no? She'd be more drunk then she ever is! She'd go into depression or something!
M: It'll be okay, Jacky. Don't think about it. Think about good stuff.
J: I'm thinking about you and me cuddling. Sitting on a couch in our own house. Anti and Dark living in the shadows together. Happy. Me and you always smiling. Holding hands.
M: That's gonna happen someday Jack. We'll be in our own house. Cuddling on our own couch.
J: I know it will.
We both smile and he walks over and hugs me. We just stand there hugging for what seems like forever. I love having him in my arms. I can't stand being without him. 

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