Storming out

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Jack's POV
I wake up laying across Mark on the couch. He is awake and playing with my hair.
M: Sorry, Darling. Did I wake you?
J: Actually kind of but I'm glad.
M: Oh...Your cute when you sleep.
J: Why thank you.
I sit up on his lap and face him. We kiss until Sam jumps in our faces. He licks us and we laugh.
J: Really, buddy?
He jumps off and runs to Dark and Anti's room. We giggle and look at each other once more.
J: Love you
M: I love you too. Now let's have breakfast.

Mark's POV
Jack smiles and runs to the kitchen. He jumps up on the counter and smirks as I walk in.
J: Last one in has to cook...
M: Really?
He just grins down at me and I roll my eyes playfully. I get out a pan and some eggs that my mom gave us.
J: Whatcha making?
M: Omelettes.
J: How do you even make one??
I pull him over to the stove and crack two eggs in the pan. I hand him the spatula then put my hand on his. We cook the omelette together and then I let him cook one more. The two were big enough so Dark and Anti could share one and we could share one. Dark came running down the stairs yelling and Anti came down crying.
D: I just have to go!
A: Please!
D: No! I'm leaving!
A: Baby, Stay! Please.

Dark's POV
I turn and look at him.
D: Don't...don't call me that.
A: Dark...Please, don't leave me baby. I love you! I'm sorry!
I walk out and close the door. I teleport to a little cafe in town just to get out of there. I sit and order a coffee and the waitress starts flirting with me. She walks over to my table and hands me the coffee.
Waitress: Hey cutie. Here's your coffee
D: Thanks...
I took a sip and she didn't leave.
Waitress: What's a hunk like you doing here?
D: Just...Out for coffee.
Waitress: So this seat isn't taken.
She sat down and folded her hands in her lap.
Waitress: I'm Tessa, but you can call me Tess.
D: Dark...
Tess: A demon...fantastic.
D: Your not scared?
Tess: Far from it.
D: Oh yeah?
I grit my teeth and show off my fangs.
Tess: Amazing.
I show my claws and she smiles. She draws her hand up and sets her hand ontop of mine. I look at our hands then up to her.
Tess: Whatcha doin after this, Dark?
I sit my coffee down and smirk at this flirty hoe.
D: I'm going home to my boyfriend.
I seen her face drop. She looked confused and disgusted.
D: Oh look at the time! I gotta stretch out my asshole so his dick will fit.
I stand and walk out without saying anything else. I laugh to myself and continue walking. I find my self in an alley and I sit down next to a trash can. I'm not sad and I'm not really mad anymore. I just needed time. I wander what Anti is doing now...
Probably crying and telling Mark and Jack everything or he has locked himself up in his room and Mark has set out to find me while Jack trys to talk it out of him.

Mark's POV
Dark storms out and disappears. He probably teleported somewhere. We turn and see Anti. He fell on his knees and hung his head as he cryed. Jack ran to his side and rubbed his back.
Jack drew his hand back and he looked shocked. We had never seen Anti like this before and I didn't even think we ever would.
A: It's my fault! IT WAS MY FAULT! HE IS GONE AND IT'S...
His voice broke and he whispered
A: its my fault...
J: What is your fault!? What happened!?
A: He...he is gone...
Anti stood and just ran upstairs. The bathroom door closed and Jack turned to me.
J: What...the hell...just happened?
M: Well...I'm gonna try and find Dark.
J: No. I am. You are staying with Anti.
M: You are his brother!
J: But he is getting to trust you. I want that. So I'll go for Dark. Stay with Anti. I'll be home in a bit. Love you, Mark.

Jack's POV
I kiss Mark on the cheek and run outside. I don't have a driving license so I run out to town. It's better that way because I can see him easier and get to him easier if I do see him. I see the little cafe that's on the edge of town and I wander in there. I go to the cashier and order a coffee. I sit at a round table and a waitress brings it out.
Waitress: Hi! Here is your plain black, just how you asked.
She winks and I just smile and nod.
Waitress: Not the kind to talk, Huh?
J: No...I normally am, I'm just worried.
Waitress: Well, whatever it is, no need to worry. I'm here, cutie. I'm Tessa btw. Call me Tess.
J: Well, Tess, I'm looking for someone. They got mad and left this morning.
Tess: Aw...What was their name?
J: Dark...He is a demon and I really need to find him.
Tess: He came in here. Left though.
J: Really?! When?!
Tess: About thirty minutes ago.
J: Did you see which way he went?
Tess: Towards town. Hope you find him.
J: Thanks.
I run out and head towards town. I don't see anything unusual then I think "where would Dark go" .

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