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Anti's POV
Me and Dark are getting along well! I'm so glad I finally met someone like me! He likes the same comics as me, he likes the same foods as me, we are so much in common!
D: Hey, Anti?
A: Yeah?
D: I really like you eye...It looks super cool!
A: Oh...I've always been kind of self conscious about it...I used to get made fun of for it.
D: Well I think it's really fucking cool. My eyes don't do that!
A: Your eyes glow red! That's fucking cool!
A: Shhh! I will get introuble!
D: Oh! Sorry
A: It's fine.

Mark's POV
M: They seem to be getting along well...They have been hanging out all afternoon!
J: Yeah, I'm really glad anti finally has a friend.
M: I'm glad I have a friend, too.
J: Yeah. I'm glad I got stuck in that closet with you!
We both laughed and started playing Mario. I absolutely hate this game.
J: Okay, We outta go to bed anyways. It's 9:30, we have school tomorrow.
M: Okay! Oh...Jack?
J: Yeah?
M: Where am i gonna sleep?
J: My bed is big enough, we can share it!
M: Okay!

Anti's POV
I crawl into my bed and Dark follows.
D: Night.
A: Night!
Our backs were against each other we shared a blanket. I started to get cold and I was shivering. Dark rolled and now he was facing me. I felt his arm wrap around my waist. He held me close to him and i snuggled my back to his chest. He was so warm!!!

Mark's POV
I decided to try something...I'll act like I'm asleep and throw an arm over Jack. I did so and he cuddled into me.
M: Night Jack...
J: Night Marky....

Jack's POV
When I woke up, Mark's strong arms were wrapped around me. It was the most compfortable position ever. I was warm, compfortable, and happy. He woke up and looked at me. A slight pink ess filled his cheeks.
M: Oh...Hi Jack.
J: Good morning.
I just smiled amd stared into his eyes.
M: Um...Jack?
J: Mhm....
M: We need to go to school.
J: Oh...
He let go of me amd I stood up. He followed and then I realized he doesn't have any clothes. I have him a blue shirt and some jeans. I put on some black skinny jeans and a green shirt. I threw on my blue hoodie over it and i turned around and Mark was watching me.

Dark's POV
I woke up and I was holding Anti.
D: Anti?
A: Hmm?
His eyes flitter open and he looks at me.
D: Good morning...
A: Morning.
Anti gasped and looked at me.
D: Yeah. Your mom is cooking.
Anti jumped up and grabbed my hand, pulling me down to the kitchen. We got our plates and Mark and Jack came downstairs.
M: Goodmorning Mrs. McLoughlin.
"Good morning, Mark. How did you sleep?"
M: Just fine, Ma'am.
Mark and Jack grab a plate and sit down. They finish quickly and Jack walks over to his mom.

Jack's POV
J: Thanks for breakfast, Ma.
I kiss her cheek and walk out the door with Mark. Just before I close the door I yell to Anti and Mark yells to Dark.
J: Anti, Do your work okay? Be good!
A: I will!
M: And Dark, Go home at noon. You'll need to do you work at home! Be good for Mrs. McLoughlin! Cause any trouble and you'll be grounded!
D: Be good, go home at noon. Got it!
Mark closes the door and we start walking to school.

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