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Jack's POV
I walk through the woods to my house and see Anti sitting outside in the treehouse. I climb up the ladder and look at him. He is drawing. He didn't notice I came up the ladder.
J: Hey, Anti.
J: I don't care of you cuss, Anti. It's fine. Sorry I scared you.
A: It's fine...
J: So whatcha doin?
A: Uh...Nothing.
He seemed like he was hiding something. He layed his notebook down behind him.
J: Whatcha drawing?
A: Nothing.

Anti's POV
I don't want Jack to know...Not yet. Not now. I hide my note book that is now littered with drawings of Dark. He is suspicious. I gotta change the subject!
A: Um...I got my work done. It was pretty easy. I'm good at Math.
J: Oh yeah? Good job!
A: Can we go to the house?
J: If you show me what's in your notebook. I know your hiding it from me.
A: N-No. I'm not hiding it!
J: Then let me see it.
A: Um...No.
J: Fine. Then we will sit here until you say yes.
A: Whyyyyyyy
J: Because. I wanna know.
A: Your a dick.
J: I know.
He smirks at me and I roll my eyes.
A: It's my business not yours.
J: Fine.
Jack climbs back down the ladder and heads to the house.
A: Thank god...
I grab my note book and close it. I climb down and wall towards the house. Then Jack comes out of NO WHERE and snatched my notebook.
He starts running into the woods and I chase after him.

Jack's POV
I take off into the woods, jumping over roots and rocks as I run. I duck behind a tree and hear Anti running closely behind me. He runs past and doesn't see me. I turn back and run towards the house. I run inside and up to my room. I close my door and sit down with the notebook. I open the notebook and see drawings of Dark. Hearts surround the pictures of Dark. Then, the last page I turn to is a picture of Anti and Dark kissing. OH MY GOD. ANTI LIKES DARK!!!! WOW!  
Then Anti comes up the ladder.
I stare at him and smile.
J: Hey there, Evil bro.
A: Give it.
J: Okay!

Anti's POV
He hands it back and I know he read through it. I notice my eye is glowing and he does too.
J: A-Anti...
I growl and stare at him.
J: I understand. You could've just told me...
J: Anti, I'm gay! I'd never make fun of you!
I growl again and climb back down the ladder. I storm into the woods and leave Jack. I need to blow off steam. My eye is glowing bright green and I feel something running down my cheek. I touch my cheek with two fingers and look at my hand. Black ooze covers my fingertips and my cheek. I grit my teeth and slam my fist into a tree.

Mark's POV
My home phone rings and I pick it up.
M: Hello, Fishbach residence.
J: Mark, It's Jack. Get Dark over here, NOW.
M: Okay, what's going o-
He hung up on and me and I run up to Dark's room.
D: What? Where to??
M: Something is wrong with Jack! He called! COME ON.
D: Wait, I can get us there quicker!
Dark grabbed my wrist and closed his eyes. Next thing i knew we were standing on Jack's door step. I knock and Jack answers.
J: Follow me!
D: Where is Anti?
J: Just follow me!!!

Dark's POV
We run through the house and out the back door. Jack turns around and looks at me.
J: Go out in the woods. Anti is out there.
D: What??
J: I pissed him off. Just go get him!
D: Wait...How bad did you piss him off?
J: His eye...
D: Was it glowing!?
J: Yeah, how'd you know?
D: Oh shit!!
I don't answer his question. I run into the woods and search everywhere for Anti. Aftwr 15 minutes of looking I hear something in the distance. As I approach the noise and see Anti punching a tree and panting. I run over to him and hug him. He flinched but then realized who i was.

Anti's POV
Someone wraps their arms around me and I flip out. Then I recognize them. It's Dark. I hug back and he pulls away. I feel my eye stop glowing and I wipe away the black ooze on my cheek. My hand is all bloody and it hurts like hell.
D: Why are you out here?
A: H-He got in my notes...I said no, he took them...he...
D: It's okay...
He hugged me again and I felt happy. He let go and picked up my notebook. I wasn't gonna try and stop him because I know he is stronger than me. He glanced at me then opened it. I seen his eyes widen and I thought he was gonna laugh or something. He flipped to the last page and he smiled. That's the page that I drew me and him kissing...
He looked back up at me and smirked. He walked towards me and put his hands around my waist. No way.......

Dark's POV
He drew all these different pictures of me...Wow. he spent time in this. He really cares. Then I found the drawing of us kissing. I walk over yo him and pull him close to me. His eyes shut and I push our lips together.

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