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Mark's POV
As we walked to school i couldn't stop thinking about cuddling Jack. Does he like me!? Was he just really tired!?
J: Hello? MARK??
I must have been thinking for a while.
M: Oh, Sorry.
J: Are you okay?
M: Yeah, Just...Thinking.
J: About what?
M: Oh nothing.
He looked at me and narrowed his eyes. I could tell her was trying to figure it out.

Jack's POV
I said Mark's name several times. Finally I got his attention and he said he was "just thinking". I look at him and try to figure it out.
J: Please tell me!!
M: It's nothing! Really!
J: Obviously something...
I mumbled as we walked up to the school. I'm not really mad at him I just want to know. We sit down in our classroom and suffer through a lecture. When the lunch bell rings me and Mark head to the cafeteria. Thankfully wr didn't run into Felix and his group, they got detention so we could eat lunch in peace. We get our trays and sit down at our empty table. Mark is looking at me with his adorable chocolate brown eyes.
J: Like what you see?
M: Yeah. I do.

Mark's POV
OH SHIT. I accidentally let that slip out...AHHHH!! He is gonna hate me...
J: Oh yeah?
I feel my face go red as I stutter.
M: I m-mean...I-I'm...
J: It's fine Mark.
He smiles at me and my heart melts. His big blue eyes and crooked grin was so cute.
M: Jack...
J: Yeah?
M: Last night...I-
J: Mark, I like cuddling with you. And being around you. And just hanging out.
M: R-really?
J: Yes! Your my best friend!
"Friend" hurt...he must have realized because he immediantly corrected himself.
J: Not just friend, Mark.
He winked and my stomach filled with butterflies.

Jack's POV
I really like Mark. He is my best friend. My more than friend. The only person I've ever really had feelings for. I care about him and last night when he put his arm around me...I was so happy.
The end of lunch bell rang and we stood and went to class. As we were walking I felt out fingers brush against each other. I look at Mark and he was blushing madly.
M: sorry...
I just smiled and grabbed his hand. I locked our fingers and continued walking to class. We walked in and some people snickered. I didn't care though. I just sat in my seat next to Mark and giggled.

~time skip end of the day~
I walk out of school with Jack.
M: Hey...I gotta go home today.
J: Okay...I'll see you tomorrow.
I walked towards Mark and hugged him. He hugged back and went to get on his bus.

Mark's POV
I got on my bus after hugging Jack and waited to arrive home. As soon as I got home I ran in the house.
M: Dark! You home?
D: I'm in the kitchen!
I walk into the kitchen and see Dark making a peanut butter/jelly sandwich.
M: Hey, lil bro!
D: Hi, Mark! Want a sandwich?
M: Yeah sure!
D: So...Mark?
M: Mhm?
D: Can I tell you something?
M: Of course.
D: Well...You can't tell anyone.
M: I won't. I swear.
D: I have a crush on someone...
M: Ooo!! Who is it!!
D: Swear not to tell?
M: I would never tell anyone your secrets. I swear.
D: ...Anti...
M: Well, Can I tell you something?
D: Yeah. I won't tell anyone.
M: I have a crush on...Jack.
M: Yep, and he likes me back. We held hands.
D: I wish I could do that with Anti!
M: Does Anti like you?
D: Well...We cuddled...
M: Awwwwww!!!!

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