Life as It Is

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Years later things have changed. Kacchan had gotten his quirk and he started to change. He started hanging out with other people and left me behind as I waited for him. Things have changed way too much since then... I didn't have a quirk which I could see it had some sort of effect on Kacchan; I was just a quirkless, deaf, special needs kid.
We're now in middle school. I still carried a notebook with me, but I had always kept two with me. One for communication and one for hero notes. I didn't care if I was deaf, I was determined to get into my dream school: UA High.
The end of the school day had finally came. Everyone was heading out, I don't usually go out much because of- well, me being me. I let out a sigh and grab my bag hanging from my chair, suddenly a pair of hands snapped in front of my eyes. I flinched, only to see Kacchan with his friends. His lips move, I can't tell what he's saying. I just nervously smile and wave at him, it doesn't turn out good. He pushes me down and holds me by my collar. I pay close attention to his lips. Something about me and being in his way? I'm not sure. He then sets off some explosions in his hands and slowly brings it closer to my face. I'm scared. I can't move from his grasp, he's too strong! Little tears leak out from the corner of my eyes. The door opens. Uraraka is there shouting at Kacchan. Kacchan gets off and he leaves, Uraraka runs towards me and uses sign language.
"Are you okay?"
I hold my chest trying to ease my heartbeat, "never been better, thanks, Uraraka"
"You need to tell him to back off" she gave me a serious look, "at this rate I'm starting to think you like being hurt by Katsuki"
I blush at the thought of me being a masochist ((COUGH!!! Bakudeku lemon shippers)) "it's not like that, I just hope one day he'll see that he's wrong and want to be friends with me again" I smile and Uraraka sighs
"It's good that you can dream, Deku-kun" she drags me up off of the floor.
"Let's go home."

Uraraka usually walks me to my house to ensure that I won't get bullied by others. Oh- Uraraka and I have been friends ever since preschool, it all started when Kacchan left me. I'm just glad I have a friend. We walk up to my door and I thank her for walking me home.
"It's no problem!" She smiles "see you later Izuku!" And she walks home. I smile and wave goodbye to her and enter my house, but I had the feeling that I was being watched by someone and usually I'm never wrong...


"Stupid, Deku" I kick a empty soda can making it hit the side of a house. "Woah, woah, Katsuki, watchya up to?" A low life extra was walking with me. "None of your business" I spat
"Is this something to do with that Midoriya kid?"
I blow some explosions from my hands, "don't. Say. That. Name."
He backed up, "ok, ok, then... That kid?"
"Who else would it fucking be?"
"Well, your usually mad at him for no absolute reason, is it because he's a mute?"
I stop walking. Mute. I get a sudden flashback from when we were little.

"Does Kacchan like to color?" Deku asked me. It was at this time far in our friendship that I had decided to study sign language.
"Coloring I do not like" Deku giggled knowing what I really meant to say
"Why don't you like it?" He asked
"It's for girls" I state
Deku grabbed a red crayon and handed it to me, making eyes contact his eyes shimmered, "why don't you try?"

"I have all rights to be mad at the twerp." I grab a rock and chuck it into the air.
"Well, I'm gonna make my way home now, see ya'" the extra finally left me alone. I crack my neck and continued heading on home. While doing so I noticed green hair, the same green fluffy hair I see in class. Out of curiosity I go and follow him- or them. It had turned out that he was walking with round-face. I had followed them back to Deku's house. They had a quick chat and round-face left. Why does it make my blood boil to see him having fun with her just by walking??? Whatever, he's a waste of my time anyways... I turn around and hear a door open, my body jumped, turning my head to see the same boy I just saw him go into house.
"Hi, Kacchan" he smiled
I hold my fists, turn my body towards him, and sign him back. "Bye, loser" I quickly ran off into the block and didn't look back. Why am I running? I shouldn't be running? My face feels hot- is it because of him? No, NO, NO! It's because of my running... I make it to my house and without hesitation run into my room slamming my door making it sound like a bomb. "Katsuki, what the hell?!?!??" My mom yells. I wasn't in the mood to argue so I stuff my face in a pillow and look at my hand. It all began with this hand when I tapped him on the shoulder. He was so fragile, he still is. "Stupid" I mumbled into the pillow and toss over onto my back. I hate this feeling but I also like it... Why does everything have to be complex?


"Izuku, who why did you go back out?"  Mom put a hand on my shoulder
"I saw Kacchan and waved at him" I reassure her
"Mitsuki's kid?" She retorted, "I haven't seen them in about 5 years"
"Let's just go inside, mom" I walk in and smell the delicious meal mom was making for dinner. As we are I try to think about the things I could've done wrong... The things that I did wrong... The things I could've done to prevent the relationship that me and Kacchan had from being broken... Is it really all my fault?

Days of Silence (Mute!Izuku Midoriya X Katsuki Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now