Practice Makes Perfect

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A week had gone by and Midoriya could say a whole sentence! If you wonder what it was, it's: "will you be my friend?" with some help from Mama Inko, he was able to ask that. Although, with Bakugo tutoring Midoriya that also helped as well.
"Sweetie, do you want eggs or pancakes?" Inko called out
"Eyegs!" Midoriya answered, sure he had some miss prononciations and slurs, but his mother knew what he wanted.
Midoriya on the other hand was studying hard on his speaking, and was even considering taking a choir class just to make his vocals stronger!
"Wom!" Midoriya headed towards the kitchen
"Yes, Izuku?"
"Eeeiys claackhaen kumnin?"
("Is Kacchan coming?") He popped his head from out the corner
"Yes, he should be here in..." She looked at the clock, "...20 minuets"
Izuku nodded and went back into his room to use his vocals more. 15 minuets went by and then- *knock knock knock!* Midoriya sprunt to the door to greet Bakugo.
"Hi!" He joyfully waved like a little kid
"Mm." Bakugo nodded and proceeded to enter in the Midoriya Household. Once they were in Midoriya's room Bakugo let the nice guy act down, "alright ya Shitty Nerd, imma teach you how to respond to someone when they randomly talk with ya, alright???"
The boy nodded.
"Now, if you want to start a conversation just ask someone how their day was or some shit, got it?" He pointed his index finger, "now practice on me."
"Um..." Midoriya thought the words and tried to say it in a way where Bakugo could understand him, "Hio aire ew..?"
"Remember, nerd, pronunciation." He flicked the freckled boys face.
Midoriya nodded and tried to put more pronunciation into his words, "how are you?"
The blonde's eyes widened, very wide, Midoriya had just asked him how he was very perfectly, like... A normal person. Izuku looked at Bakugo and cocked his head to the side, he waved his hand Infront of Bakugo making him snap out of his daze.
"Okay?" Midoriya asked, that was one of the few words he could say right and it would translate to others as: "are you okay?"
"Tch" Bakugo swatted Midoriya's hand away, "I'm fine, idiot, you just asked 'how are you' right, that's all."
Midoriya eyes sparkled, "really?!?!" Too excited, he used sign language.
"Don't go back to using your hands!" Katsuki retorted hitting the boy's head. Midoriya let out a whine saying that he was sorry like a little dog.
"Whatever, we're gonna go out today" Katsuki stretched from the bed.
"You'll see if you come along, now hurry up! Get your shoes on" He shooed Midoriya. 'where could Kacchan want to take me?' the thought echoed through his head. Now that Midoriya had thought of it, it's been a very long time since they had hung out as friends. Were they even friends now? Bakugo had led Midoriya to a restaurant, nothing fancy, buy it was just your typical food stand. "claackhaen, weit ur ee toein?" ("Kacchan, what are we doing?")
"We're gonna see if you payed enough attention, idiot," he grabbed a menu, "you'll be on your own for this, you're gonna order what you want, if you can successfully do that, then I'll pay for the both of us."
It was a challenge, confirmed, Midoriya was up to the test. He had been practicing extra hours of course, so nothing could go wrong, right? Midoriya picked up a menu and had decided what he had finally wanted, Bakugo called over a waiter.
"I'll take your guy's spicy *food insert* with a cola-- WAIT!"
Katsuki jumped from his eat to see that the waiter was none other than: Todoroki. "STUPID HALF AND HALF WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE???"
"I work here as a part time job to earn money and get out of my house, what else?" Bakugo growled at the peppermint boy. You might be wondering why Shoto is in the story, well, when Todoroki and the other two were still in elementary school (around the 4th grade) their mothers kept in touch of each other, but due to *COUGH COUGH* the incident, they all became sidetracked and eventually lost touch of each other, but not quite. "Midoriya, it's good to see that you're in good hands."
Midoriya smiled, but quickly remembering that he was here to practice talking he frantically tried to think up of something to say.
"Oh, sorry- um... Sign language, right..." Shoto blushed a little, slightly embarrassed for forgetting that little part of him that liked the shy quiet boy. "It's good to see you." He sign languaged him. Midoriya just smiled and snapped his fingers Infront of him twice to get Todoroki'ss eyes attention. Once he had, Midoriya brought his hand towards his ear and revealed the hearing aids. "Wait, you mean--"
"Yeah, the bastard can finally hear now." Bakugo rudely interrupted
"Well, that's great!" For once in his bland life, Todoroki was surprised, "does this mean he's taking lessons?"
"For his voice? Duh! I'm tutoring him" Bakugo with pride pointed at himself
"Anyway, I shouldn't be talking to you guys like this..." Shoto caught himself getting carried away with socializing, "what would you like to eat, Midoriya?"
Midoriya nodded and pointed at the menu, "this one, please"
Shoto's eyes widened, "y-your voice..!"
A bead of sweat started to form of the freckled boy, "is my voice weird?" He signed
"Oh, no, no, no, no!" Shoto shaked his hands, "i-its just... I never expected it to be so... Fragile"
Midoriya blushed at the Shoto's words, there was a little sweet awkward silence until Bakugo banged on the table. "Okay, we get it, he can talk now thanks to me, now can we get our damn food?"
"I think you need to cool off, Bakugo" Todoroki retorted and went into the food stand.
"Oh yeah!?!? How about I cool out your mouth?!?!?" Katsuki yelled ((hm... That didn't come out as planned...)) (((I'm just making things worse for myself)))
Midoriya giggled, it had been Soo long since he had seen the two act like this, it felt nice to be together once again... With friends...

((Hahaha!!! Oof, sorry once again for not really writing as much as I should or wanna be. Once again Vorona Cirus is at it again. And yes, I did mix up the C and the V in Corona Virus. Corona Virus is getting old))

Days of Silence (Mute!Izuku Midoriya X Katsuki Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now