🐰 bunny🐰

751 27 6

"Oi, pay attention!"
"K-kacchan is too close!"
"Well too bad!"
It was just like any normal day, Midoriya had to have his pronunciation training and today was done of them but previously Midoriya had challenged Bakugo to make him fall in love with him, despite Bakugo's love confession. A couple of days had passed since the and they were practicing- this time in Katsuki's room- they were sitting on the bed, but Bakugo had slowly moved closer and closer to Midoriya he had him practically pinned up against the wall all whole teaching him. Midoriya was red as can be and had his eyes shut for dear life, "Oi," Bakugo spoke, "if you can pronounce this word on the first try I'll back up a little, but if you don't I'll get closer..."
"O-okay!!" Deku exclaimed
Bakugo picked up a flashcard that had the word: "Encyclopedia" on it, after all Deku was studying by himself for his own benefit so Bakugo kicked it up a notch. Deku said his vowels and re-read the word in his head, but could he say it in the way it was correct? "tic too, nerd, tic toc..." Bakugo whispered in his ear.
Now he was being timed!? Okay, maybe this was a little too stressful, but hey if he got it right on the first try it shows how much progress he did, but if he got it wrong he would have to suffer the consequence of Bakugo against him- why is life so hard?
Deku started "E-e-"
"E-e- hm?" Bakugo teased
"Encyclopedia!" He exclaimed
One... Two... Three... Ding-ding-ding!
"You got it right." Bakugo patted his head a little disappointed, but proud.
The panicked boy let out a sigh of relief.
Bakugo stood up from his bed and went to his dresser "That's all for today, we can go do something if you'd like."
"Huh? Kacchan's gonna take me somewhere?"
"Don't act stupid, do you wanna go somewhere or not?" He grabbed a shirt
"With Kacchan? But where?"
"I don't know, nerd,that's why you're picking!" Bakugo changed his shirt in front of Deku, "by the way... I invited Icy-Hot."
"Todowoki?" Midoriya jumped up
"Tch, kinda hurt when you get excited for him and not me." Bakugo sneered
"Ah, n-no! Kacchan and Todowoki are both important to me, very spiechiel..." (Special) ((and yes I know I'm spelling Todoroki as Todowoki, Deku can't quite say his name yet.))
"Well I'm not happy how I'm not in first place. Just choose a place where we can go dammit."
"Mhm!" Midoriya nodded and thought. 'we could always go back to the beach, but we just went a couple days so I guess...'
"A cernivl!" (A carnival!)
"Hah? A Carnival?" Bakugo repeated, "why would you want to go there?"
"Candy." Midoriya simply said, "Farris wheel!"
"Tch, 15 years old and you still like kiddy stuff?"
"It's fun to be a kid." Midoriya said with a playful pout
"But don't be naughty," Bakugo came closer to Midoriya's ear, "because naughty kids get punished." Midoriya jumped covering his ear. Katsuki smirked, "I'll be waiting for you downstairs, come down when you're ready."
Bakugo left the room and left Midoriya in there in utterly silence.
. . .
"What was that?"

Midoriya eventually calmed down and went downstairs and there awaited Bakugo.
"Took ya long enough"
"Let's go, I sent a text to Half and Half he'll meet up there."
The walk to the carnival was overall peaceful, Bakugo didn't tease Midoriya one bit. They then had finally arrived at the entrance and there stood Todoroki waiting for the two.
"Todowoki!" Midoriya smiled and jumped to hug him "M-midoriya...!" Alarmed by how shocked Todoroki sounded Deku backed away, "was that too much?"
"Oh no, it's just- I haven't had a hug in a while, it feels a little odd, but... I'll still take one." Todoroki lifted his arms again, this time knowing he could get a hug, Midoriya did not hesitate and hugged Todoroki again. Bakugo, was a little irritated with this, "oi, now let's go in and get tickets."
"Yeah!" Midoriya cheered
"Here you three go!" The staff have the three tickets and went in to the big carnival. Midoriya's eyes sparkled once he saw all of the food and candy that could be seen around for miles! Elephant Ears, Candied Apples, Chocolate dipped bananas, lollipops, hot dogs, and most importantly- Cotton Candy! He then looked at the rides, so many rides and games to choose from. From the Farris wheel to the good old horse shoe game.
"Woah! Too much!" Midoriya exclaimed
"What? Too much for you to handled?" Katsuki smirked
"Well, were should we go first?" Todoroki asked
"Mmm- oh!" Midoriya then ran (like Nezuko 🙄) and pointed at a game be noticed that had a giant stuffed Bunny. "Bunny!"
"You want the bunny?" Todoroki pointed and Midoriya nodded
"Pfffff- that thing? With this game?" Bakugo looked at the game.
"Hello there! Would you like to play 'Bottle Wacker'?" The person behind the stand asked
"How do you play?" Bakugo observed the game that had bottles inside holes.
"It's simple!" The staff stated, "we give you this bat and you wack as many bottles as hard as you can! But you only have a limited amount of time to do so!"
"Seems easy" Todoroki stepped in
"But!" The staff put their finger up, "you have to wack them as the bottles move in and out of the holes!"
Bakugo snarled, "this can't be hard! Just hit bottles until they break and see what prize you win when they move, simple"
"Heh, you'd be surprised!" The staff rolled their eyes, "but you wanted the big bunny plush, right?" They pointed at Midoriya.
"In order to win that bunny plush you have to at least wack 20 bottles as the level is set to pro so the bottles can move faster and more efficiently, but because there are 3 of you, I think you all have a higher advantage than 1 person. So I'll make a deal with you!"
"Hah?" Bakugo leaned on his hip
"A deal?" Todoroki's eyes widened
"If you all manage to hit at least 8 bottles I'll be more than happy to give the bunny to you!"
"That's simple!" Bakugo declared
"Remember that it has to be on the pro mode, Bakugo" Todoroki reminded him
"Whatever- I've been practicing on my reflexes! I can't hit at least 8!"
"And another thing!" The staff interrupted, "your bats count how many you bottles you hit, so weither if you all hit above 20, it's still won't count because one of you isn't going to hit as much as the others are" the staff gave off a devilish smile
"Damn you really got us" Bakugo retorted
"By all means go ahead and play if you want, it's only 3$ per person to play!"
Todoroki then slapped 3 dollars on the counter, "sign me up, I'll help you win that Bunny, Midoriya"
Midoriya happily smiled and put 3 dollars on the counter.
"Tch, damn all of you" Bakugo put 3 dollars on the counter and the staff took the money.
"Come in now!" The staff opened the door to let the boys in and handed them each a bat, "now you all can try as many times as you'd like"
"Whatever." Bakugo snatched the bat
"Thank you" Todoroki and Midoriya said.
"Are you ready?" The staff announced
"Bring it on!" Bakugo yelled
There was then beeping. Ready? Set? GO!
The bottles then started moving up and down in a pattern at first, but then the pattern started to switch and started getting more complicated and a little faster.
"What the heck!?" Bakugo had only gotten 5 on the first couple of seconds, but it had dramatically change. Todoroki stayed focused and had gotten 7, but then it went too fast. Midoriya on the other hand had only gotten 2, for a child who was quirkless it was a major difficulty.
"WHACK-!" Bakugo had finally gotten another one.
"30 seconds left!"
Midoriya panicked, 'I've only gotten 2!' Midoriya then started to swing his bat randomly, he luckily got 2 more with those random swings. So now he had 4. Todoroki had finally finished with 8 before the other two, but he decided to keep going on.
"Stupid Half and Half how the hell do you already have 11!?" Bakugo roared
"I have my ways" Todoroki then hit another Bottle, "that makes it 12."
"Shut up!" Bakugo then hit 2 more, finally he had gotten 8 bottles. Midoriya still struggled, he now only had 5 bottles that he had hit.
"3... 2... 1... Done!" The staff cheered and stopped the game system, "so? How did we do? Did we ALL get 8 bottles???"
"Hell yeah!"
"Nuh-uh..." Midoriya looked down and handed his bat
"Aw, too bad, maybe next time!"
"Hey, listen," Bakugo came closer to the staff member, "this green haired boy hasn't had the best life, he's only been living it up until now, if you haven't noticed he has hearing aids." The Staff then stared at Midoriya's ears seeing the green hearing aids, "and to make that better, he's also quirkless which is why he couldn't get as many bottles as we could. So do us a little favor and just give us the toy, okay?"
The staff then jumped up in surprise, "he's quirkless? Then of course I'll give it to you!"
"Huh?" Midoriya popped his head up
"I didn't know the chances of meeting another person who was quirkless here! I have a cousin that's quirkless she's 6 years old and I always help her with keeping her hopes up!" The staff said while getting the giant stuffed plush down. "I know this is weird coming from someone who's just a carnival staff member, but make sure you also live your life to the fullest!" They handed the bunny over to Midoriya, Midoriya's smiled.
"Thank you!"
They then said goodbye to the staff member and made their way to the rest of the games with foods and snacks and to finally end the night with a Farris wheel ride.
'whatever Kacchan said to that person... He really did make my day!' Midoriya blushed and hugged onto the giant bunny.

((That was so sweet. I hope you all enjoyed this plot twist chapter!))

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