The Past

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((this is basically how the two met and became friends))

'Izuku, this will be your preschool, okay?' The little greenette hugged his mother's legs, not wanting to go.
'You will be okay' she used sign language to communicate to him.
'You promise to come early to pick me up?' The little boy hand signaled back.
'I promise, now go on and make new friends!' The mother kissed her son goodbye bidding farewell to her mute son. 'please let today go smoothly...' she pleadfully thought to herself.
From little boys to playing war or tag and hide 'n seek this particular boy, Izuku, didn't play those games at all. Izuku was a very special boy,more special then you could think-I mean after all, he is a mute. After the news of a bioluminescent baby being born, that baby started to develop, all of his body parts were developing but two. His vocals and his hearing. Two of the most important parts of the body to open the key of communication. Izuku couldn't talk or hear, and it was found later when he had turned 2, around where a baby should be screaming more or just talking nonsense. With a notebook and pencil in hand Izuku entered the classroom, afraid of what might happen to him, he sat in the corner of the class right next to where the books were. Everyone in there was almost crazy as the teachers tried to settle them down. Preschool was not fun. Even though he was dead he could tell there was loud talking of trying to get everyone to calm down. Izuku didn't bother trying to make friends, but his mother said to make some...
Izuku, still sitting in the corner with his notebook, had started drawing. He didn't know what, but he just felt like doing something. After a few couple of sketches he finally decided to make his favorite hero, All Might. There was a light tap on his shoulder, Izuku jumped not realising there was someone there watching him. It was a spiky hair blonde boy who had eyes that sparkled like ruby's. His mouth moved and he pointed to the picture. This was a situation Izuku hoped he never get into. 'I can't understand you' he tried to tell the blonde but of course no one would really understand him but the sign language teacher in his class, Aizawa ((we're gonna mix things up a bit, ok)). Only one problem, Little Izuku didn't know who Aizawa was. He saw the blonde's mouth move again, what was he saying now? Was he mad? Was he going to hurt him?
A man with raven hair ties up in a ponytail squatted down and spoke to the blonde, of course Izuku couldn't understand him. The blonde nodded and waved at Izuku, saying a few words then leaving. The man looked at Izuku, Izuku looked at the man. 'Are you Izuku Midoriya?' the man spoke in sign language. Izuku jumped, surprised that this was the man who was the sign language teacher, 'Are you Aizawa?' he nodded. Izuku felt relieved, he had finally met the teacher that he could only communicate with. 'the little blonde hair boy was asking what you were drawing' he pointed at the paper, 'is that a hero?'
Izuku smiled widely showing the picture, 'its All Might!'
'very good' Aizawa complimented, 'the little blonde hair boy is named He wants to be your friend'
'friends?' Izuku repeated clutching the big notebook to his tiny little chest
'he wants to get to know you' Aizawa signed, 'do you want some help?'
Izuku nodded his head up and down over me over again, 'yes, please!'
A group of kids were now sitting in the floor. 'its group time, we can introduce you there' Aizawa held out his hand
'in front of the whole class?' Izuku asked and Aizawa nodded. Izuku was on full panic mode, he didn't know why he grabbed Aizawa's hand, but his face was full blasted red he could feel the heat radiate off of his face.

Bakugo's pov
((A couple of minutes ago))
"Be a good boy and don't get into any trouble!" The angry mom told me
"I got it, I got it, now you go!" I waved her off as she gave me a kiss on the cheek. I then escaped from her arms and ran into the classroom making some new friends as I did so. While playing around with my new friends I say this one particular boy. One who was all by himself... Drawing? He's a boy, right? Do boys draw? Can boys draw? I walk up to him, 'he doesn't seem to notice me...' I tap on his shoulder and he jumps. Boy, he must be really sensitive. I talk to him, "I like your drawing, is that All Might?" I waited for a response, nothing but these weird hand motion things. "Bakugo, correct?" I then around and saw a man with a ponytail, "yes?"
"He squatted down to our level, "this is Izuku, he's a special student in our class, so please be nice to him" I look back at the green haired boy. I smile at him, "see ya later, Izuku!" I waved at him and ran off to play with other people. 'he's a special student?' I gather up around the group area, apparently it was group time. Then I saw the same boy, Izuku, come up walking with Aizawa hand in hand Infront of the classroom. "Everyone, this is Izuku, he's a special student here at out preschool. If you have any questions please ask them now."
I shot my hand up into the air, "what makes him so special?"
"He can't hear or speak"
The whole classroom gasps, "what does that mean?" I ask just for clarification
"It means when I tap on this book..." He grabbed a hardcover book and brought it somewhat close to the green haired boy's ear tapping it, "...he can't hear it."
"What does it mean that he can't talk?" A cheeky brunette asked
"It's means he can't use his vocals, like you know how I'm speaking and talking to you right now?" Everyone uh-huhed, "it means he can't do that."
"So we can't talk to him?" Another boy asked
"No, you can still talk to him, just not with words." He pointed at the boy's notebook, "Izuku carries this notebook with him so he can communicate with you guys, all you have to do is write something down and he'll write back." Everyone "ooo"Ed
"But if you want to," Aizawa added, "you guys can try to talk sign language." He did a motion with his hands, "sign language is another way you guys can talk to Izuku, now copy me." We all focused on Aizawa's hands. They went up and down, swurved and zig-zaggy. The green haired boy's face shot up. His face slightly red. "You all just said, 'Hi, Izuku!'" Aizawa translated
Izuku, now that I 100% know his name, started to do some hand motions, too.
Aizawa nodded, "He said: 'Hi everyone, I am happy to meet you all and hope we can be good friends'"
The whole classroom was shook by this kid. He was special! I hope we can be great friends!
Time had gone on, it seemed like forever until we finally got to play. We were playing outside. The weather was nice and blue. "Tag! Let's play tag!" One of my friends suggested.
"No, hide and seek!" One argued
"How about hide and seek tag?" I say everyone "wow"ed
"Katsuki, your a genius!" Someone said
"Okay, then," I say, "let's play!" I had decided that I would count. "One... Two... Three..." All the way up to twenty, "ready or not here I come!" I ran through the playground to see find 3 of my friends were hiding in the tube slide, but one was still missing. There was a little forest next to our school, maybe he was hiding someone close in there! "C'mon guys! Into the forest we go!" I march in as the others follow behind me in a line. As we marched in I saw a little stream of river, there was a big log that crossed over it and I thought: 'this is a good idea!'
"Forward!" I march over the log not afraid of what trouble we were going to get into. Suddenly I saw something green and black pop out of the water, causing me to loose my balance, I fell in. "Bakugo!" My friends had screamed. As I was in the water I opened my eyes to reveal what I thought for a second was a mermaid, but it was just Izuku. We looked at each other as we were underwater, staring at how the sun was making these beautiful shines and shimmers into our hair and eyes. I finally then needed a breath I pop my head out of the water and take a big gasp.
"There he is!" One of my friends called out
"Heh, I'm fine guys!" I reassure them. I was on my knees, I had accidentally gotten a scratch on my knee from the log when I fell in. "Ouch!" I felt a sting. Izuku then got up from the water and started doing hand motions again. He had this weird- I guess you would call it a "worried" expression? Remembering that he was a "special" student I try to communicate to him, "I. can't. Understand. You." I point my my chest, make an "X" with my arms, roll my hand to my head, and then point at him. Hoping to get something to his head, but he only cocks his head in confusion. I mean, it's not my fault I can't communicate with him. "C'mon let's just get out of here" I stand up and grab his hand taking us out of the small river.

Deku's pov
Bakugo pointed at his chest, made an "X" with his arms, rolled his hand towards his head, and then pointed at himself. I had no idea what he was saying. Was he trying to tell me something or was he making fun of me? I cock my head to the left, not understanding what he was trying to say. His lips moved, he had then grabbed my hand and brought me upon shore. Katsuki's lips moved again, lifting his shirt, once again I couldn't understand him, but he seemed worried about his wet clothes.
Along to the side his friends had followed us. It seemed like they were talking while we were going who knows where. Suddenly all of their heads jumped up, ones mouth started moving widely while some of the others had a sick and worried look on their face, not Bakugo however, Bakugo seemed like he was ready and prepared for this... Just like a hero...

Katsuki's pov
The recess whistle blew. We all jumped surprised that the time had gone soo fast. "What are we gonna do?!? If they find us here in the forest were toast!" My friend said
"Not to mention they'll tell our parents..." Said another one
"What are we gonna do, Bakugo?"
"Calm down!" I yap, still holding onto Izuku's hand, "we're gonna be fine, as long as we just go back. They'll be looking for us and plus we're not that far away from the preschool." I roll my eyes, "we just have to walk the opposite way of how we were originally walking. So head back!" I start walking back towards the school. Boy do I hope they don't call my mom... We had eventually made it back to the edge of the forest of where the preschool and forest met. "Okay, guys, we're all good!" They all cheered in victory for not being dead.
"Where were all of you?"
"Uh, oh..."
Aizawa had popped out of no where and stood over all of us.
"W-we were... We were um...." I was lost at words I didn't know what to say to a guy that was 20 feet taller than me! Izuku slightly shook his hand that I still held and I let it go, he took a step forward and started talking to the teacher in sign. What was he saying? Was he tattling on us?
After their hand conversation Aizawa knelt down, "Katsuki,"
I give him my full attention, "yes?"
"Is it true that you all went in there to explore because you were playing a hero game?"
'Hero game? What is he ta-' it then snaps in my head that Izuku was lying for us, wanting to make sure we didn't all get in trouble,"y-yeah! We were all playing a hero game! We found a little river and decided that that would be our territory, right guys?" I turn towards them and they all quickly agreed.
"Alright then..." He stood back up, "but for now on you can't go into to the forest unless an adult is with you, understand?"
"Yes..." We all nod as Aizawa translates to Izuku.
We got into the preschool and we all got new clothes. I got a bandage and went on and about my school day. It was now nap time. I still can't believe we still have these things. I lay on the cot with a big black fuzzy blanket and a nice flat white pillow. I toss and turn not wanting to sleep. I look around the room, the room was dark and no teacher was there, only the sounds of little kids sleeping. I look over and saw Izuku, awake. "Pssst! Izukuuu!!" I whisper to him, oh yeah- deaf kid. I find a little Lego piece and toss it around Izuku, trying not to hit him on the head. He jumped and looked up to see me. I waved at him. He still had his notebook, he jotted something down and slid his notebook to me I read it.
"You're still up?"
I smile and write back.
"I can't sleep, not after the adventure we had!"
As I could see Izuku read the message on the piece of paper he had smiled
"Yeah, it was fun."
"I wanna thank you for making up that lie, Izuku, we could've gotten in real big trouble!"
"No worries!"
Izuku replied back. Our conversation went on forever and this was how I got to know Izuku. How he liked All Might everything. "Izuku, can I ask you something important?" I hesitantly wrote down
"What is it?"
"How long have you been not be able to hear and talk?"
"The term is deaf because I can't hear, I'm considered a mute because I can't talk at all. I've been like this ever since I was born" he passed the notebook to me and I read. My eyes widen in realization that he hasn't ever said a single word in his life.
I jot down something, but suddenly saw Izuku making weird gestures. He pointed to the ground and reached his hand into the air and brought it back down, he gestured his blanket to go over him. "What?" I mouthed, but he then his under the blanket and layed still. I didn't know what he was doing nor what he was trying to tell me.
"Young man, what do you think you're doing?"
I jump and look up to see Aizawa hovering over me. I hide the notebook underneath my cot. "Nothing, sir!"
"You should be sleeping like the rest of the kids, now go to sleep"
I nod my head and rested my head on my pillow, I had finally understood what Izuku was trying to say to me. "Get down! The teacher is coming!!!" I just wish I was smarter and got the message quicker.

Days of Silence (Mute!Izuku Midoriya X Katsuki Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now