The Amazing Trio

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"let's eat." Katsuki took the first bite of his food before Midoirya, Midoriya just smiled watching as his childhood friend ate. "You gonna eat your food or what?" Bakugo raised a brow. Taking a moment to search for the words Midoriya said, "et meks me ahpi to eet wit Clawctchan!" (It makes me happy to eat with Kacchan!) Bakugo chocked on his food, "J-JUST EAT YOUR DAMN FOOD, IDIOT!" Katsuki snagged his drink and chugged it down- almost acting like a drunk man.    "Midoriya, Bakugo," Todoroki came out behind the food stand, "I was wondering if today was a good day if we could hang out."                                                                                                                                      "Hah? Aren't you suppose to be working Half and Half?"                                                                                    "I'm on my break right now, so i can do whatever. I get out in 15 minuets if you guys wanted to do so."                                                                                                                                                                                         "Nah, we do-" Midoriya jumped up and put his finger on Bakugo's lips to hush him up, with a determined look on his face he turned to Todoroki, "We wuh wov to hang ow wih you!" (We would love to hang out with you!) In the best pronunciation he could do.                                                  "That's great, just maybe you guys could wait for me while I finish my shift?"                                          Midoriya nodded, "Mmhmm! We wol wait foh you!" (We will wait for you!)                                                Todoroki smiled, "Okay, see ya until then." and went behind the food stand to do his job. Midoriya sighed and sat down pulling his finger away that hushed Bakugo up.                                        "Nerd, who the heck taught you those words?" Bakugo, dumbfounded, stuck his chin out.               "Studying" Midoriya simply replied, "I practice more and more when you are away so I can get ahead."  he used his hands to explain a little more in depth.                                                                              "Ah..." The ash blonde lifted his chin, "Well, I guess I better teach ya' harder, eh?" he glared at the greenette. Midoriya saw and looked down quickly shoving the food in his face, hoping that Bakugo's glare would eventually go away.

15 minuets went by and Todoroki came out behind the food stand, but this time not wearing a apron or anything, he wore his nice dress shirt with a cardigan ((hehe, My R)). "Alright, I'm out now, so what should we do?" Midoriya jumped up noticing how nice Todoroki looked, "You look nice!"  he used his hands.                                                                                                                                                  "Thank you" Todoroki smiled.                                                                                                                                          Midoriya gasped, "how did you learn?" he pointed at his hands                                                                      "Ah, sign language?" Midoriya nodded excitedly, "while we were parted I decided to take classes so that way when I see you again I could communicate to you better." Midoriya giggled and clapped his hands together like a little kid, showing how amazed and happy he was about this.    "Oi, are we gonna hang out or what? We don't got all day." Bakugo stuffed his hands in his pockets.                                                                                                                                                                                      "Ah, you're right, we should do something right away, what should we do?" Todoroki thought. The entire trio thought about this: "What should we do together?"                                                                "We can always go to the park, but then again we are a little too old to be playing on the swings..." Todoroki lifted his hand to his chin                                                                                                             "We can't go mountain climbing, it would take to long, plus we don't have all of the proper materials we need..." Bakugo thought                                                                                                                          "Beach..." Midoriya said, the heterochromia and blood red eyed boys shifted their attention to the emerald green eyed boy, "we ca go to da beach ah wowk" (we can go to the beach and walk)  "That sounds like a great idea, Midoriya." Shoto's face birghtened, how long has it been since he had been to the beach? 12 years?                                                                                                                                  "Meh, dosen't sound too bad." Bakugo, being his tsundere self at this point, was actually excited to go to the beach. Midoriya smiled gleefully, happy that his old friends still liked the same old things that they did (kind of). "O-kay! lets go!" Midoriya lifted a fist up in the air for victory and headed towards the beach.

(: Time skip brought to you by Midoriya's hearing aids :)

The sun was setting, the warm orange sun shined on the clear blue waves that desperately wanted to climb onto the nice warm sand. Midoriya took the first step onto the sand, taking his red shoes and socks off, he felt the nice heat emerging from the sand that had slayed in the sun all day awaiting to release is heat. Shoto smelled the fresh ocean air, getting a hint of salt, it gave him a nonchalant aura, reminding him of the time when him and his mother went to take a walk on the beach. Bakugo looked up at the orange and lemon-yellow sky, the clouds that slowly floated away saying 'goodbye' to everyone to the earth hoping to meet them again. This scene was truly one you would imagine in a movie. "Let's go!" Midoriya sprinted onto the sand running, with feeling each and every step on the sand getting hotter and hotter, but the wind he felt on his face was all worth it. "Tag" Todoroki tagged Bakugo and ran away from him, catching up to Midoriya. "HEY-- WHAT THE HELL!!!" Bakugo a couple of seconds doumbfounded realized that they were playing a game of tag. He let out a "tch"'this is childsplay!' he exclaimed in his mind, "GET BACK HERE!"

Authors note:                                                                                                                                                                            Thank you for reading this far in Days of Silence! This story has 1.2k reads!?!?!? wowie! thank you soo much! And also I apologize for the very late updates. I have been busy setting up a website and getting all the supplies to sell some mha merchandise with my art on them. once again I thank you all for being patient with me and this story and love you all- Bye bye!

Days of Silence (Mute!Izuku Midoriya X Katsuki Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now