Vocal Tutor

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The three of us, Uraraka-san, Kacchan, and I, were all sent to the principal's office. "Alright, I don't wanna make this complicated, Bakugo, I know it was you the started this all." The principal pinched the bridge of his nose
"Like, hell I did..." Kacchan murmured
"Oh, shut up!!" Uraraka-san jumped up slamming the table we were all sitting next to, "you always blame others, why can't you man up and take the blame yourself?!?!?"
I've never seen the side of Ochako... "Mmngwuh!" I try to use my voice to say what u want to say, but it's no use. I did get her attention and started to use my hands to communicate.
"You don't have to do that for me, Uraraka-san"
"B-but, Deku you heard what he said!"
I only nod, my attention brought to the principal as he said: "you have hearing aids?"
I push away my locks and show my ear with the little machine in them. "Ah, that's good to know, Midoriya." The principal brought his attention back to Kacchan, "and as for you, what caused this? I know Midoriya couldn't have started anything- even if he just got his hearing aids."
Kacchan layed back in his chair, "tch, I dunno"
"Don't toy with me, young man" the principal held up a finger, "this'll be a three day suspension for you." He started typing on his computer
"Eh?? Why?!?!?" Kacchan jumped
"Because you hurt a special needs child on school property, willing to fight and- well, kill them, not only that you caused a scene to irrupt causing our school rating to go down due to the amount of violence in the school."
My eyes stared wide at Kacchan, was really that much of a trouble maker?
"Hey, be glad, Bakugo" the principal took a sheet of paper and handed it to Kacchan, "it could be a 2 week suspension" Kacchan growled and swiped the paper out of his hands and left the room.
"Now, for you two" the principal massaged his temples, "I don't think you were doing anything wrong to protect him, Uraraka, it was a very brave thing you did for a girl. But you still have to keep in mind that this is school property"
"Yes" Uraraka-san nodded and bowed, "I'm very sorry for the inconvenience"
"That's fine, but next time let a teacher know and we'll handle it, you both are dismissed"
We got up and went back to class.
"Woah, soo scary, right Uraraka-san?" I try to ease the mood
"Yeah, it was..." She held her chest of relief, "Deku-kun, do you plan to train your vocals?" She pointed at her throat
"My voice?" I ask to clarify
"Yes" she nodded, "does you mother plan to set an appointment?"
I shake my head no, "but I can try to learn myself"
"Eh, but... how?"
I pull out my phone and point to the app called: YouTube
"Oh, c'mon Deku-kun!"
I smile brightly as she swatted her hand, "well, whatever works for you, but still if you need any help, I'm here for you" she patted my head. "See ya later!"
"See ya" I wave her goodbye as I make it to my 4th period. Today really was something new...


'Stupid Nerd!!' I kick a locker, I don know who's it was, but I didn't fucking care. The little bastard can hear now... Not only that, but he can almost speak. "Mother fucker..." I murmur underneath my breath and shove the piece of paper that the damn principal gave me into my pocket. 'suspended for 3 fucking days...'

*Time skip brought to you by Izuku's lovely voice*

I open the door to my loud house and see the hag making dinner.
"How's school today?"
I sigh and slap the paper on the counter, "shitty"
She quickly observed the paper, "THE FUCK? HOW'D YOU GET FUCKING SUSPENDED??!?!?"
"DON'T START SHIT WITH ME!!!" I yell back at her as I make my way upstairs to my room
"FUCK OFF!!" I throw my bag in the corner of the room, jumped on my bed looked up and sighed. 'what the hell's wrong with me? Whenever I'm with Deku all I can feel is...'
A sudden bang hit my room door. I jumped up to see that my mom had opened it, despite it being locked.
"Katsuki..." Her voice quivered in rage, "did you really hurt that boy... Izuku Midoriya?"
"Why would you care, you're no-" I stop and look at my mom, she had lifted her face and I could visibly see that tears were threatening to come out.
"Were going to the Midoriyas now. So you can apologize." She left my room and gently closed my door.
That was weird as fuck. I've never seen my mother cry, or even come close to it.


"Izuku, are you ok?" Mom was holding me like I was a teddy bear
"I'm okay, Mom, just a little spooked" I try to lighten up the mood.
"I got a call from the principal today, and he said you could make sounds with your voice now, right?"
I nod and simply make a "nnGmwa" sound. She hugged me tighter and rejoiced, "I'm so happy! Now all we gotta do is help you with your vocal cords."
There was a sudden knock at the door. "I'll go get it" mom said and I followed behind her. She peeped through the peep whole and had a shocked look on her face. "Who is it?" I ask, but she didn't respond, she just opened up the door to reveal ((his father!! No, jk. Lol)) no other than the Bakugos.

"Inko" Mitsuki waved
"Mitsuki..." Inko weekly smiled
"I'm very sorry for my son teasing your son, in fact-" she bowed down bringing Katsuki's head along with hers. She practically smacked his head downwards, "he has a few words to say to Izuku"
Izuku popped his head out behind his mother, hearing his name, he cocked his head.
Katsuki sighed once more and began to speak in sign language and with his vocals at the same time.
"I'm very sorry for treating you the way I have. You did not deserve to be treated like this, but with support, if you could ever forgive me that would be my only wish"
Izuku's eyes widened in shock. He couldn't tell if Katsuki was being serious about this or if it was just words coming out of his mouth. But do it really matter? An apology is an apology.
"I forgive you, Katsuki"
The Bakugos finally stood back up, "Inko, if there's anything we can do to help just tell me and it's a deal" Mitsuki spoke
"Oh no, it's quite alright" she held her hand up, "I only need to get Izuku some vocal practice"
"Well, we'll do it!" Mitsuki smiled
"W-w-what?" Inko retorted
"Well, my son can do it, but he'll totally help Izuku's vocal cords become stronger and plus we're a loud family, so we all have strong vocals!"
"Mitsuki, I'm not sure how I feel about this..." Inko held her finger to her chin
"We can start off little" the blonde woman said, "first they can start off at your house and then mine, and it's can be a day on and off kind of thing!"
"Hey, I didn't agree to thi-" Mitsuki slapped Bakugo on the head, "YOU AGREED TO THIS WHEN YOU BULLIED YOUR CHILDHOOD FRIEND!" She went back into polite mode, "please, accept this offer" she bowed down. (Talk about a mood)
Inko thought about it for a brief second, "alright" she finally spoke, "you can teach my son to have better vocals."

Days of Silence (Mute!Izuku Midoriya X Katsuki Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now