Message to Readers

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Hey all! Just wanted to get the standard disclaimers out of the way here. I do not own any of these characters or locations. This is purely a fan-fiction, and is not for profit.
Now, for those of you who don't know, Korra and Asami's relationship is CANON!!! Yes, we won and got them to be canon. So I don't want to hear anyone be upset that they are a couple in my fanfic.

Now, as I said in the description of the fanfic, this story contains spoilers for the Graphic Novel sequels of Legend of Korra. If you have read them, please skip the rest of this and enjoy the show!

If you haven't, and don't mind it being spoiled, I'll be giving a brief description of what you'd want to know going forward.

-During the Turf Wars series, Bolin was temporarily a cop, and partnered to his brother, Mako. This was short lived, as by the end of it he had moved on to a new position, assistant to the new president.

-Speaking of the new president, President Raiko was voted out of office and the new president... is Zhu-Li! She did the thing, everyone.

-The Airbenders got legal ownership of the area around the new spirit portal, and are protecting it so the Spirits are at ease with this.

-While they never made a formal announcement, most people are aware that Korra and Asami are dating. They told their friends and family. There are no legal barriers, not that were stated, stopping them from being together as a same-sex couple. It is said that the Earth Kingdom generally has been opposed in the past to same-sex relationships, and Fire-Lord Sozin declared them illegal in the fire nation long ago, but it is unclear if Zuko has ever removed that law. Water Tribes and Air Nomads never cared about it.

-During the Ruins of the Empire series, Kuvira had her trial, and King Wu decided to hold the first ever Democratic Elections in the Earth Kingdom.

-Kuvira assisted team Avatar and King Wu in stopping a rogue element in the Earth Empire, who wished to restart the empire. Wu decided to let each city-state decide when to hold their elections on their own schedules.

-Kuvira pleaded guilty in her trial, realizing the error of her ways, and Su Beifong took pity on her, since Kuvira risked her life to help team Avatar and King Wu. Su requested, and was granted, to have Kuvira transferred to her custody, and placed under house arrest in Zaofu.

-The Earth Empire division they fought during the series used brainwashing technology, which they used on Mako, Bolin, and Asami, and made them hate Korra. While they were eventually brought back, and the brainwashing erased (Thanks to the work of Bataar Jr and Kuvira), the brainwashing tech is now in the possession of Zaofu, as the original machine was destroyed and only Bataar Jr. and Kuvira know how it worked, and the Earth Empire scientist currently in prison.

-Asami and Korra are now living together.

That's all folks! You're all caught up! There may be some other things mentioned that I missed, but these are the important pieces. Thanks for reading, and enjoy!

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