Chapter 10

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"Wake up! Naruto!" I smacked him. He just stirred.

"Hmm..Naruto..Sasuke is about to finish your ramen~!" I purred and received a glare from the Uchiha. Naruto immediately sit up. Before he could scream, I said,"Finally! Now go and prepare! We are heading to the bridge with Tazuna-san!"

"H-Hai.." He yawned.

"Don't fall asleep in the bathroom!!" He yelled.

"Daddy, are you sure you're okay?" I asked while I lay on the floor.

"Yes, although I'm still a little tired. But I'm almost back to my own body." I looked at him and nodded.

"Why?" He asked.

"I just had a bad feeling about today.." We will meet them again. And fight. I said to myself.

"Yeah..don't worry too much, Sakura" I nodded. I saw Sasuke eyeing me questionably, but I just gave him a reassuring smile. He sighed and looked away.

"I'm done! Let's go and kick some butt!!" Naruto came over.

"Lively as Naruto?" Daddy said.

"Yeah! Believe it!" I sighed.. Cheerful as always..

When we reached the bridge, we saw corpses scattered all over. Oh shit.. We immediately stand in position to guard Tazuna.

"We meet again..Kakashi.." A voice said. Tou-san! I narrowed my eyes.

"Indeed..Zabuza.." Kakashi replied. "And I see you brought someone with you. The Hunter ninja from the other day I assume." My eyes widened. I forgot to warn them! I knew there was something odd! So that was Haku!! No wonder his chakra was so familiar! At least Kakashi found out.

"What do you mean by the Hunter nin the other day?? And I thought he was dead?!?" Naruto asked.

"The Hunter-nin disposes their target's corpse right away. But the other day, he did not. Plus, the weapons he used did not hit his vital spots. It was only momentary death, which means that Hunter-nin is Zabuza's ally." I replied.

"Very clever.." Zabuza said. I glared harshly at him. "..and ouch. Way to treat your father?"

"You are NOT my father!" I hissed.

"Hmph. You don't even deserve to be my daughter. You are my humiliation!" He laughed. I was breathing heavily with rage. I noticed Kakashi was too. Daddy.. I smiled and relaxed. At least I have Kakashi who loves me as his daughter.

Suddenly, I saw Haku out of the corner of my eye. He was a few feet in front of me. This only means..I am his opponent.

"Kakashi, I'm fighting him." He nodded understandingly. "Naruto, Sasuke, protect the bridge builder and DO NOT come after me no matter what happens. Got it?" They nodded.

"Blossom Release: Cherry Blossom Barrier!" I slammed my palm on the ground leaving them in my barrier. This way, I can relax fighting him.

I stepped forward and jumped onto and open place with him where we can fight.

"Time for our showdown eh?" I smirked.

"Give me all you have got." He took out his mask and threw it aside.

"Haku." I grinned.

"Sakura." He smiled.

We charged at each other with a kunai and senbon in hand respectively. This was a fight of testing our speed. The clash of the metal sound can be heard throughout the whole area. Both of us sped up to our maximum speed. A speed where no one can catch up if your eyes aren't trained. Naruto and Tazuna could only see blur figures while Kakashi and Sasuke activated their Sharingan.

Kakashi's POV

"Looks like you have thought my daughter well." Zabuza said.

"You just never noticed her potential. She is a gifted shinobi." I hissed. Was that..did his eyes softened just now? What was it? There seems to be something in his eyes which I can't pinpoint what.

"She is.." Zabuza whispered. He thinks I didn't hear that. He still cares greatly about her. "Let's countinue what we started, shall we?" He asked.

"Bring it on." I complied. We stepped away and begin our fight.

Zabuza made a mist thicker than before. I couldn't see with my Sharingan. I could only use my senses.

He aimed behind me and I dodged with my kunai. He disappeared again while I sense for his next move. It's difficult to know what he is going to do next in this thick mist.

Snap! An I idea came to me. I have to end this fast. Suddenly, Zabuza appeared in front of me.


Published: December 2014
Edited: 12 January 2017

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