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hi i just want to say that i am by no means a wattpad writer so i have no idea if this is good or not bear w me i did this for mena & my bffses

this is insp by my old au on twt and the letter is almost completely copied from that

before we continue i would like to say that if there is a certain character in here, that does NOT mean i support them irl. its just kinda hard to write others when theyre friends w like 8 people lol K BYE

Jorge's scream could be heard from a mile away, hell, even further away than that.


However, absurd loud noises were common in the Garay family, who had done nothing to check in on him.


He kneeled down, looking in every crevice for even one paper, but he found nothing. This sent him into deep panic mode.


"Oh my god," he thought.


"I'm going to die. Oh my god, being gay is a fucking disease, oh my god, they're going to get the letters. No... I must've left them somewhere else."


His mind was going to anything it could think of to distract him from the fact that all four boys may end up reading letters of him confessing his love.


"This will all be fine," he thought to himself.
"...I just need to go to sleep."



It was not all fine, to say the least.


Jorge had woken up to countless of messages from one of his bestfriends, Noen.


did u mean to send me that
cause we dont have to talk abt it if not
im flattered tho
jey its like 11pm
are u ghosting me ????


"OH MY GOD!" Just as he had thought the night before, the letters had definitely gotten out.


Jorge jolted awake, immediately calling Noen.


"There you are, for a second I thought you were ignoring me." Noen laughed.


"No, but maybe that would be the best thing to do at this point. Listen, I made that YEARS ago. Years."


"Dude, you don't have to explain yourself to me. If you never wanna talk about this ever again, then that's fine too. Obviously I wasn't meant to see it."

its all fake -- benjeyWhere stories live. Discover now