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Jorge sat with his two friends, terrified to lift his head up for longer than two minutes.


"Jey, I promise you when I say that everyone's going to forget about this in less than a month." Noen nodded at Charli's words.


"Yeah man, remember that time when I asked that girl Stacy out and then ended up spilling spaghetti all over myself?"


"Noen, no offense, but I think my situation is a lot worse than yours.." He groaned.


"...Besides, even if they are going to forget about it, it definitely won't be now. Meaning my life's a living hell until everyone forgets."


"Cheer up, Jey. I'll be like... your personal body guard! Hi-Yah!" Charli swatted their food with her hand. I'm sure a 5'1 girl is gonna be great at being my bodyguard, he thought.


"Thanks Charls, but...." Oh god. He thought, seeing a familiar face with a note gripped tightly in their hand. Cayman. "Gotta go. Sorry! See you later!" He yelled, before almost sprinting out of the hallway, leaving the two alone.


He ran into the bathroom, it being the closest thing around him. This can't be happening. What have I even done wrong for this to happen?!


After a few moments of hyperventilating, the door flew opened, making a harsh bang as it hit the wall. He immediately jumped onto the toilet seat, making sure his feet weren't in sight.


"Jorge?" It was Chase.


He knocked on the door once more.


"Um... Jorge's not here!" Chase laughed, sliding the letter under the stall.


"I figured... you might want that back. I don't think I was meant to see it." Jorge panicked, not knowing what to say.


"You're not the only person I sent a letter to!" He blurted out. "I mean, it wasn't that many, but there's three other boys."


"Do they all have theirs?" He asked, as Jorge opened the door, to meet a very tall Chase.


"I think so. Noen got his... I saw Cayman. So."




"And what?"


"That's only two people."


Who was I forgetting? Chase, Noen, Cayman.... BENJAMIN KROL. I forgot I wrote him a letter, honestly.


"Why do you call him Benjamin?" Jorge smacked himself in the head, realizing he just whispered that whole conversation out loud to himself.


"Benji's a weird name."


Chase laughed. "I think we're going to be good friends."

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