297 19 14

4 new missed messages!
9 new missed messages!
26 new missed messages!
63 new missed messages!


"Oh my god, what the fuck do you want?" Jorge yelled to himself, checking the phone that had been placed down since he got home.


charli: i agree! chase we're literally like soulmates
chase: <3
noen: im so glad we made this gc
noen: ugh if only jorge was here
charli: i know!!!! he ran off earlier tho, maybe we should let him be for now


He felt bad for ignoring his friends, so he quickly typed out a message before putting his phone on "Do Not Disturb."


jorge: hey guys, sorry im a little sick idk if ill be at school tomorrow
jorge: gonna gts. love u bye!
charli: oh!! ok! feel better soon jey <3
chase is typing...


Jorge sighed as he fell on his bed, shoving a pillow into his face. "Do you think I can suffocate myself with this?" He thought, before throwing it off himself onto the floor.


"I can't go to school tomorrow. Or the next day. Or the next. Is there ever even a possibility of me being able to stay home, though? Maybe I should pretend sick. God, why did those letters have to get sent out. Honestly, I was having a pretty okay—"


He got interrupted by his thoughts, as his brother walked into his room uninvited. "Umm... what do you think you're doing?"


"Chill. Mama said someones here to see you. Who is it again? MAMA! WHO'S HERE?" He heard a faint yell of his mom from downstairs.


"OH, oh yeah! Cayman's here." Jorge blinked twice. You've got to be fucking kidding me. Again?! Pinch me, I'm dreaming.


"Cayman? Like... Cayman, THE Cayman, Cayman Rhodes??!" He whisper-yelled. Lou nodded, furrowing his eyebrows.


"Yes you weirdo, are you coming down or not?"


Jorge sighed. "You never saw me." Lou was beyond confused at this point, especially when he saw his brother unlocking his window.


"Here goes nothing..." He mumbled to himself, his fear of heights not ready to start tumbling down his roof.


And that's exactly what he did. He closed his eyes, and the next thing you know, he was on the ground with cut up hands. "Owww!"



Peace. Finally. Jorge thought, sitting down inside of a restaurant that was close enough for him to be able to walk back home, but further enough for Cayman to not visit.


Before he even had time to order himself a drink, he felt someones presence behind him.


"You know, I feel like you're running away from me." Benji said, pulling out a seat next to him, as Jorge flinched.


"Jesus.. fucking Christ, you scared me." He continued. "I feel like you're following me. Do I have to call 911?"


Benji laughed.


"I'm serious! How did you even know I was here? Are you seriously stalking me?"


"Don't flatter yourself, buttercup. Who says I was here for you?"


Their conversation was cut short as the waitress finally walked up to them. "Okay, I'll be taking drinks. Would he like anything?" She smiled.


"Oh... he's not with me." Benji smirked. Jorge could feel his face heating up.


"I'll take a water." Benji replied, with his charming smile. It's so hard to not be attracted to him. Fuck.


"That's boring."



After a while of awkward silence from the two, Benji cleared his throat. "So, I came here for a reason. Jorge, you're cute and all, but I literally was just broken up with, so—"


"Woah, woah, woah, is that what this is about?" He interrupted. "Benjamin Krol, I am not trying to date you. So you can be on your way now! Take your water with you."


"Well, your lips are saying something, but your lips are... also saying something. You kissed me, remember?"


Jorge sighed into his fries. "Only to get away from someone! You're the first person I saw, and I didn't need them knowing that I still have the same feelings as the ones I wrote in their letter." He almost covered his mouth with the palm of his hand, shocked at what he had revealed.


Benji's cockiness turned into confusion. "Hold on... I'm not the only one that got a letter?"


"Nope! I wrote four, so... you're not as special as you think."


"Damn, you're a player, huh?" Jorge laughed. Yeah, I'm the player here.

its all fake -- benjeyWhere stories live. Discover now