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I was never classified as a "popular" kid. I mean... sure, some people knew who I was, mostly because I'm friends with Noen, but no one really paid attention to me. And I was fine with that... but now...


Benji spun Jorge around, making him giggle. He reached out for his pocket and gave him a tiny note, marked "to jey <3." Once Abby saw what was happening in the middle of the cafeteria, her smile immediately dropped and her fists clenched.


Everyone has their eyes all fucking over me!


"Hey, Garay! Come sit with us!" A table yelled, making him feel dizzy.


Benji smiled, before crouching down to his level. "Good job today." He whispered in his ear, Jorge melting at his touch.


I mean, seriously? Who knew that I would be congratulated for doing nothing other than accepting a tiny note. And now... people are asking to sit with me?


A hand, Charli's hand, was grabbed onto Jorge's arm as she pulled him into an empty classroom.


"Woah! Are you and Krol like... a thing?" she said, mouth opening wider after every word. She continued, "I mean... I didn't know he swung that way... but if you're happy I'm so happy for you!"


Jorge awkwardly laughed. "Yeah! Um, I'm just as shocked as you are."


"Maybe we can go on a double date sometime...?" She questioned, as he furrowed his eyebrows.


"What? With who?"


"Chase? We've been getting along pretty well... I think I really like him."


Wow, I'm so rude, he thought. I've been worrying so much about my love life, or my... pretend love life, I haven't even talked to my friends.


"Charli!" He yelled. "That's awesome. And... yeah. Sure. We can have a double date sometime."


She grinned from ear to ear. "Really! Oh this is gonna be so cool! Thanks Jey!" She squealed, hugging him.



6:09 PM TEXT FROM "benjamin":


Jorge groaned into his pillow, before reading what the message was. His stomach turned. Why am I always like this when it comes to him?! he thought. Maybe I should... respond late.


He waited.

And waited...

Until finally.....


6:58 PM
oh hey sorry i just saw this lol
night night


I am such a loser.


a/n: kinda a filler chapter bc i had no fucking idea what to write

its all fake -- benjeyWhere stories live. Discover now