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Benji washed his hands, looking at himself in the mirror. This whole thing is going pretty well, actually... he thought to himself.


There was a harsh bang on the door, making him jump. "Woah... uh, hey, occupied." He said, as Abby walked into the room.


"Jorge Garay? Seriously? What, are you gay now?"

"No, I'm not. Why do you care?"


She rolled her eyes, looking down at the yellow sweatshirt that was on the counter. "Aww... this is so cute! Is it his?"


He didn't reply, giving her the answer she wanted. She unfolded it and put her arms through.


"It fits perfectly. How do I look?" She asked, smiling.


Benji sighed. "You look good, Abby. You always look good. Okay, come on. Give it back"


"Umm.... no..." She continued, "I think I'm gonna keep it for a while, kay? Don't worry, I won't tell. Have fun with Jorge." She winked, leaving.


What the fuck.

its all fake -- benjeyWhere stories live. Discover now