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cw // underage drinking ? Yea



While Benji was overthinking what just happened in the bathroom, Jorge decided that he might as well have as much fun as he possibly could.


It was definitely nerve-racking, he felt like hundreds of people were towering over him. That was until he found his new friend, Chase.


"Chase!" He yelled loud enough for him to be able to hear over the excruciatingly loud music. He turned in confusion, before looking down to meet him.


"Jey! What's up, my man?!" He blinked twice, yelling. "Oh my god! You and Krol, huh? I heard about it from someone!"


Jorge convinced himself that if one more person brought up Benji, he would explode into a ball of anger. Rolling his eyes, he replied, "Yeah! I want to get wasted tonight." That did not sound like me, he thought, reaching out for the closest alcohol bottle in sight.


"Woah!" Chase yelled after watching Jorge down four shots. "You sure your tiny body can handle all of that?"


Jorge was positive that his body couldn't handle all of it. He hardly ever drank, and felt himself getting tipsy just moments after drinking it. But, instead of agreeing with him, he just said...


"Shut up! Let's have fun!" This was extremely unlike Jorge, but the headache-inducing atmosphere and the current love situation he was in made him want to chug thirteen more shots.


Being completely honest, Jorge had a lot on his mind that was about to start spilling out, so he grabbed another bottle. It's all a distraction, he thought.


And just before he knew it, he had almost no control over his body. Dancing with Chase, like he had actually wanted to go to the party. He was having fun. Not thinking about stupid boys.


When he went to grab another shot, he felt an arm pulling on him. Damn, everyone's always fucking grabbing me, huh? My arm's going to dislocate eventually, he thought, before trying to elbow the person.


"Let... go of me, you fucking dick!" He yelled, being dragged into a room. When he finally looked up he realized it was none other than Cayman, the last person he was expecting to be here.


"Look.." he almost yelled in his face. "I don't know what your fucking deal is, but ignoring people is rude, Jorge."


He gulped, staring at the taller boy whose face was turning red. "What, do you have anything to say? Obviously not, you're one of the most insecure people I've ever met."


His ice-cold face was brought warmth as a tear streamed down his face, unsure whether or not this whole conversation was real. Cayman would never say this, right?


"Awww..." Cayman looked around, talking as if there was someone else in the room. "He's crying. Poor baby got his feelings hurt from the truth. I pity you, honestly."

its all fake -- benjeyWhere stories live. Discover now