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Jorge and Benji sat down at a picnic table, trees covered with pink leaves above them.


He cleared his throat. "So... first things first, we need some sort of contract, or something. I've already written some rules down, but feel free to add more—"


"Oh come on, there's rules? You must be awfully fun at parties." Benji interrupted, making the other boy roll his eyes.


"Well, there has to be... Boundaries."

"Okay..? Like what?" He sighed.


Jorge made himself comfortable, opening up his journal. "Well, for example, I don't want you kissing me anymore."


Benji scoffed. "Are you serious? Who's gonna believe we're in a relationship if I'm not allowed to kiss you?"


"Look. I know you've made out with twenty girls in your lifetime but I've never had a boyfriend before. A real one. And that kiss in the gym was my first one."


"Man, I was your first kiss? Let's go Benji Krol!" He cheered, before continuing. "Anyways... why does that matter?"


"It matters because I don't want all my firsts to be fake. Like that kiss. If I'm gonna be making out with someone, I want it to be for real." He rolled his eyes once more. Boys are so stupid, he thought.


"Second rule! No telling anyone that our relationship is fake. It'd be too awkward.. and weird."


"Duh! First rule of Fight Club."

Jorge furrowed his eyebrows. "Huh?"


Benji jumped up from his seat. "Are you serious? You've never seen Fight Club?"


Jorge shook his head. "Okay, put that on your stupid list of rules then! We are watching Fight Club!"


rule 2: no telling anyone (duh)
rule 3: watching fight club... whatever


"So... now that we got that huge rule out of the way," Jorge said sarcastically, continuing. "Anything else? Anything you think is important for the two of us to know?"


Benji sat back down, as his face turned to soft. "I could... write you notes everyday. Kinda like your love letter... but not that extreme." Jorge rolled his eyes for the third time, but felt his heart bursting out of his chest.


"You'd do that?"


"Sure... Abby was always expecting me to write her shit, and I never did. She'd be so pissed if she saw me sending you notes." His smile dropped.


rule 4: benjamin has to write jey letters everyday


Benji was on a roll. "Also, you have to go to all my basketball games, and parties, of course."


"Then you have to pick me up for school every day.. Maybe my brother too. I have no idea how to drive."


"Okay. Fine. And you have to go to prom with me." Woah. Prom seemed like it'd be a whole eternity away from now. Does Benjamin really think this thing will be going on until then? And wouldn't he want to take Abby to his last prom?


"Um... that's like.. four months away from now. Do you really think we're still going to be doing this by then?"


"Let's just say we are by then. Look, no one in their right mind is going to not take their boyfriend to prom." Jorge nodded. He is right... he thought.


"So," he continued. "...If we are still doing this by the time it comes around, you have to go with me, as my date." I am certain, that by the time prom comes around, Benjamin and I will be so over. Which is the only reason why I say:


"Okay. Deal."


rule 5: have to go to all of benjamins games/parties
rule 6: has to pick up jey for school everyday
rule 7: have to go to prom together, if we're still a "thing" by then.

benji krol :p jorge juan garay dicenta


And with that, they shook hands and parted ways.


a/n: hope ur enjoying dis so far :D
i watched majority of tatbilb yesterday so thats why most of this sounds like that hdnsjfjd im trying to make this seem as realistic (?) or detailed as possible as the original story

its all fake -- benjeyWhere stories live. Discover now