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Jorge had been running in circles around his room for the past hour and a half, wondering if Benji's idea was the best thing to do.


Obviously, he wouldn't be able to ask his friends for advice, considering no one is supposed to know that it'd be fake.


I wonder how many lines there are on my comforter, he thought. One... two.... three.. Focus, Jorge! Maybe I should write this down.


He picked up a pen from his bedside table, rushing to find any journal or piece of paper in sight.


"Operation: Fake dating Benjamin Krol."


He wrote, and wrote, and wrote....


pros of fake dating benjamin:
- cayman wont know i like him
- he has a car
- he has bandaids in car
- still smells good
- both helping each other out :D

cons of fake dating benjamin:
- have to pretend to date him
- hes just using me
- i dont like the idea of it.
- hes... straight?


He scribbled out the last one, being unsure of what Benji's sexuality even was. Why would he ask me if....? However, he was still beat. There were more pros than there were cons.


Jorge sighed, falling on his bed with the journal in his face.


I guess I'm really going to agree to this, huh? He wondered. It's not like I'm agreeing to actually going out with him. It's just... pretending.


He smiled. None of this is real! Why do I care so much! I'll just have to make sure we have some set rules. For one, I am – never – kissing Benjamin. I mean, I'm confident that I won't fall again, but just to make sure. Plus, I don't want him completely stealing my kiss v-card, especially if it's all fake.


He began to write out a list on another page of everything he would discuss with Benji when they met again, making rules for what they could and could not do once the plan was in action.


Feeling satisfied with what he had written down, he decided it was best to get a good nights sleep, awaiting for the next day.



Feeling like his lungs were going to collapse because of how nervous he was, Jorge walked into the gym, where Benji was practicing with his team.


You can do this, Jorge. It's no big deal. Just tell him: yes Benjamin. I will go out with you, in a fake way of course.


His legs were stiff. He didn't want to exactly interrupt them, barging in during the middle of their "game."


"Hey... Benji!" He yelled, catching the older one's eye. He placed his hand on a team member's shoulder, signaling that he's out for a moment. He walked over to him, as he shoved water down his throat.




"Let's do this." Benji smiled, leaning in closer to Jorge's face, which he was not prepared for. The two shared a kiss that Jorge felt he was not supposed to be given.


Awkwardly, he mumbled, "Okay... have a good rest of your practice. K. Bye! Everyone...." and ran out of the room.


rule one: NO kissing.


its all fake -- benjeyWhere stories live. Discover now