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The next day, Benji was not the first thing Jorge imagined being at his door. He opened it slowly, confusion being clear on his face.


"Um... hi?" He questioned.

"Hey. Can I come in?"


"Sure..." he awkwardly smiled, before opening the door enough for the boy to get through.


As the door shut, Jorge made his way back to the kitchen, where his unfinished lunch stood. He sighed loudly before asking, "Benjamin Krol, what are you doing here?"


Benji's hands flew up into the air. "What, did you not read my note? I'm taking you out to Avani's party." Jorge scoffed.


"I'm not going to that!" He laughed.


"Uh, yeah. You are. One, Abby is gonna be there, and two... Parties are apart of the contract..? Did you seem to forget that?"


He rolled his eyes. "Sorry.. I can't."

"Deal's a deal."


"You can't what?" Lou yelled, mouth full of food, walking into the room.


"Um... none of your business." Jorge yelled, stressed out with everyone around him.


"Who are you?" Lou laughed, thinking. "Wait... you're Benji Krol, right? Senior?" Benji nodded.


"Dude! Why are you in our house? Clearly you're not here for Jey, are you?"


"Well uh.. yeah. I'm here to take out my boyfriend to a party! He's insisting he doesn't go, though." Jorge choked on his sip of water, hearing the word boyfriend. I didn't think we were telling our families?!

Lou yelled. "You two are dating?! Since when? Jorge! Why wouldn't you tell me this, you little pig?"


I am going to kill both of them. "Will you two! ...Get out of the kitchen. I'm going insane from this conversation. Honestly." He yelled.


"Okay... get dressed then! We're going to the party."


"No, we're not!"



Jorge sighed, facing the door of the Gregg's house. "Are you sure we have to—"



"I don't want—"

"Nope! It's in the contract!"


"In the contract!" Benji cut him off, dragging him inside the house.


Jorge zipped up his sweatshirt fully, as he put up the hood. His eyebrows were covered. "What are you doing? Give me this." Benji whispered, unzipping it.


"What? No. No, give me that back!" He yelled, reaching out for the sweatshirt that was placed above his head.


"Would you stop?" The taller boy said calmly. "I'm keeping it. You look cute." Jorge felt millions of butterflies swarming around in his stomach.


"Here..." he continued. "I'll prove it to you." He grabbed his phone from his back pocket, and took a picture of him.


"Awww. See?" He faced the screen his way.

"Fine. But don't lose it, it's my favorite sweatshirt."

"I won't. Give me your phone."

"Why?" Benji rolled his eyes.

"Just give me it!"


His tongue stuck out as he took a photo. I mean, seriously, how self-centered can you get to be taking a selfie on MY PHONE? I don't understand why guys—


Benji interrupted his thoughts. "Okay.. you need to make that your new lockscreen." Wait. What?


"So what's your new lockscreen?" Benji laughed, revealing the background of his phone that was the photo he took of Jorge just a few minutes earlier.



a/n: i cant tell if i hate dis chapter or not Sorry!

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