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The next day was even harder than the first. Jorge had practically been hiding himself under his friends all day, as they made fun of him for it.


He was so tired, he thought his skinny legs were going to break in half. He and Noen walked to their lockers, his best friend leaving soon after.


When he closed his locker door, Cayman's face was the last thing he expected to see on the other side. He yelped, face turning white, seeing the letter that he was still carrying around with him.


"Hey JJ... I think we should talk about the letter.. Don't you?" Jorge felt his throat closing in. Suddenly he wasn't so tired. He knew he wasn't going to admit to him that he still had feelings for him, what kinda idiot would reveal that? What was said next came out of his mouth without him thinking first.


"No... I don't think we have to. I don't like you like that anymore! I'm dating someone else now."


Cayman's face dropped. "You are? Who?" He gulped, turning his head to look for any boy in sight. And the one he saw...


"Benjam— Benji! Benji Krol! Mhm! We made it official a few days ago. I should probably go say hi to him. Bye!" He yelled out quickly before running up to Benji and kissing him.


"What was that f—"

"Don't ask anything! Bye!"


He ran quicker than he's ever ran before, leaving two confused boys stranded in the hallway.


What the fuck did I just do?


literally copied this whole thing from my old au cause i didnt know what the fuck to write 4 dis

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