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It had been half an hour since Jorge reunited with Chase in the bathroom. How romantic.

⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀
They decided since they were already there, they would just skip their next periods and get to know each other.


"Are you kidding me? You don't like pineapple on pizza?" Jorge gave a disgusted look, adjusting his place on the windowsill.


"No, bitch! What the fuck! You're so gross."

"Have you ever even tried it?"

"No! And I'm not planning to!"


The two laughed before the door swung open. "What are you two doing in here?!" An old teacher with wrinkly pale skin asked.


"Get back to class. Now! Or else I'm writing you up!" She yelled, as they rushed out of the bathroom.


Once they were in the hallway, they bursted into a fit of giggles. Jorge was never really the type to get in trouble, but he did admit it was funny to see her reaction.


"Did you see the look on her face?" Chase laughed, mocking her. "Get back to class! Nnnowwww!!!" He moved his mouth harshly, before laughing again.


"Hey... do you have track right now?"

"Yeah.. why?"

"Because I do too... let's go mi amigo." His Spanish is really bad, Jorge thought to himself.

Maybe he had a weird look on his face, because Chase looked at him in a playfully hurt expression. "What? Is my Spanish not good enough for you, Mr. Jorge Juan?"


He laughed. "Shut up! Just shut up!"



"Oh! There's Charli, you gotta meet her. She's the sweetest." Jorge practically yelled, pulling Chase closer.

"Jey! Where have you been? I've been looking every where for you... I've been alone this whole time." She pouted, before seeing a new face next to him.


"Oh... hi! I'm Charli." She held her hand out for the boy to take. His pupils dilated as he froze, looking like a deer in headlights.


Charli turned to Jorge, giving him a sort of is-he-ok look. He quickly elbowed Chase.


"What... Oh! Oh my god, sorry about that. Hi, I'm Chase." He smiled, and Charli giggled.


"You're cute. Did you guys just meet..? Any friend of Jorge's is a friend of mine!" Chase looked at Jorge, with a grin from ear to ear.


"Yeah, we just ditched together. Sorry you couldn't find me." Charli sighed.


"It's okay! I'm just glad you're not hurt or anything— you seemed pretty out of it earlier."


Chase smirked. "Yeah.. he was pretty out of it, but thank god I was there to help, right?"


"Shut up, you're so annoying!" Charli laughed at Jorge's words, making Chase frown. Seeing him visibly upset made her uncomfortable.


"Hey, you should join our group! You've met Noen, right? I'm sure he wouldn't mind!" He smiled.


"Yeah," he's grinning again. "He just joined the basketball team, right? I've seen him around."


"Yeah! That's so great that you guys somewhat know each other. I'll let him know that me and Jey want you around! Where are your—" Jorge was pulled out of the conversation, literally, by someone. Without looking to see who it was, he yelled.


"Get your... fucking hands off me!" He yelled, slapping the hand. He turned and, oh god.


"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wanted to talk." Benji Krol, an upperclassman spoke. "You know, I'm really flattered that you think I have 'really fucking long' eyelashes, and that my eyes are pretty, but you have to know it's never going to happen. Me and Abby just got out of our—"


Jorge completely zoned out, feeling ringing inside of his ears. He looked down to see the letter gripped in his hand. At this point, he didn't expect Benji to have gotten his letter.


He ran off, leaving a talking Benji confused.
"What the fuck?"



a/n: hiii!!!! i hope u all r liking da story so far. this chapter goes to my bae em @ jorgehatepage bc bitches aint shit! Give her all da luv in the world <3

i guess benjis thing is saying what the fuck at the end of chapters bc hes done it twice now LOL

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