401 31 19

cw: mention of underage drinking



Jorge squinted, waking up to the sharp curtains blinding his eyes with their light. His hand moved onto his cheek in pain. What happened last night? He thought, realizing how intoxicated he was.

Going to the party and finding Chase seemed to be the only thing he remembered. After stretching, he looked at himself in the small mirror above his dresser. The left side of his face had been a completely different color than the right, almost purple.

He sat on his bed, trying to recall anything else that had happened last night. He didn't like the feeling of not remembering things that obviously happened. Did I get into a fight? He wondered. Does someone else have bruises too? I don't think I'm strong enough to leave bruises on someone... Maybe if I was really angry.

After quite a while of trying so hard to get his brain to work, his phone vibrated, making him jump out of his thoughts.

FROM: cayman <3
im sorry! ok?

Sorry... sorry for what? He thought, before little of the night started coming back to him.

"You're one of the most insecure people I've ever met...." The flash of memory faded quickly.

He looked back into the mirror, staring at himself with confusion. Did Cayman do this to me? He quickly started typing away at his phone.

TO: cayman <3
did you PUNCH me last night?!?

FROM: cayman <3
i can explain, i was drunk!
only drunk, i promise.
i didnt mean any of it

Jorge's confusion slowly turned into anger, looking down at the bright phone screen.

TO: cayman.
fuck you.
dont speak to me again

He felt a tear rolling down his cheek, before pressing "block." Was he supposed to feel relieved? If I am, why does it hurt so much?

I need to see him, he thought to himself, before running around his room to find clothes. He jumped around, pulling jeans onto him, and dashed out of his room.


Jorge was hesitant to knock, wondering if he should've came to his house at all. Still, he counted to five under his breath, and moved his hand up to the door.

When the taller boy opened the door, his eyes became wider, surprised to see Jorge.

"Benjamin." He sighed, walking inside before he had a chance to say anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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