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"Thanks for giving me a ride home Benjamin. Seriously, I appreciate it."


Benji laughed. "I always thought that was so weird."




"That you call me Benjamin. No one's called me Benjamin since like.. seventh grade."


"I know. To be honest I've never really been a fan of Benji.... no offense."


"None taken. I remember I always used to call you Jey because my 12 year old mind couldn't understand how your name wasn't pronounced 'George.'"


They both laughed.


"At least you know now, right?" Benji sighed, turning to face Jorge.


"Yeah. Right. Well, we're here. So..." His eyes moved down to his lips, then his chest, then...


"Holy fuck! What happened to your hands? Are you alright?" He almost yelled, making Jorge jump.


"Oh.. yeah, it's fine. I jumped out of my window earlier." Benji seemed unfazed by his comment.


"Are you sure? The left one looks real bad," he bent over his seat and reached out for a box. He quickly yanked it towards them.


"Here. Take a few of these." He said, before opening up three bandaids. He held his hand as he delicately put them on. Jorge couldn't help but look at his eyes, and remember what he had said to him.


"You know, I'm really flattered that you think I have 'really fucking long' eyelashes..."


He does have long lashes, he thought. They're pretty. Well, everything about him is pretty.


After putting on three bandaids, Benji looked up to meet Jorge's eyes. Their hands stayed in the same place, until the feeling made Jorge uncomfortable, and took his away. "Well.... um..."


Benji seemed hurt. "Yeah. I guess that's it."


"Yeah, guess so. Thank you for the ride again, it means a lot. I'm sorry for kissing you earlier." He giggled.


"It's okay." He nodded, and left the passenger-seat.


But Benji, however, didn't leave right away; no. He sat for a while, almost unsure of what he was about to do.


"Wait! Jorge!" He yelled abruptly, head sticking out from the top of the car.


He quickly turned around. "What?"


"What if we... you know.. fake dated?"

"I'm sorry... what?"


"You don't want Cayman knowing you still like him, and I wan't to make Abby jealous. Especially since she's gonna think you like... turned me gay or something. So what if we just pretended to date for some time?" He wasn't sure if the idea had sounded better in his head or not.


Jorge stood there silently, repeating Benji's words in his mind over and over again. Finally, he sighed in defeat. "I'll... I'll think about it, Benjamin." He turned around again to walk through his front door.


"Okay! And by the way... next time you're in the mood to jump out your window, call me so I can come catch you! You know, I don't have that many bandaids hanging around." Jorge laughed.


"Bye!" He yelled, quickly closing the door and sliding down the doorframe. He smiled broadly, before thinking some more. Am I really going to agree to this?

its all fake -- benjeyWhere stories live. Discover now