Chapter Seven

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When the day of Felix's departure came, it wasn't hard to notice how sadness took over the usually lively atmosphere when they were together. It wasn't the end of the world, they knew that Felix could still visit some other time or they could go to Australia too, getting to know Chan and Felix's hometown. It still wasn't easy to come to facts with the idea of breaking that routine all four of them had created while Felix had been there. It was weird to think about going back to their usual lives, no Felix to hang out with anymore.

Even though the atmosphere was indeed pretty sad, Felix did his best to keep the smile on his face, making sure to make Changbin laugh from time to time, knowing how the older was, in fact, just as sad as he was.

"Are you dressed enough? It's still cold back there, I don't want you to fall sick, getting out of the airport in a t-shirt," Changbin asked, throwing the hoodie he was holding in his hands at him. While summer was melting them in Korea, winter was not over yet in Australia.

"Hyung, I'm fine really," Felix said laughing when Changbin started to fix his hoodie as a dad would do before sending their son off. They had arrived at the security checks, meaning that the moment for goodbyes had come. Felix stood in front of Changbin, Chan and Jisung as they watched him with sad eyes.

"I had a great time, guys. Thank you so much for everything you did for me in the past three weeks," Felix thanked all of them, his smile shining brightly as his eyes turned just that little glossier.

"We had a great time too with you here, Lix. Don't disappear now that you're going home, yeah?" Jisung teased, being the first one to get closer to Felix, hugging him tightly.

"Why would I? And I wanna know everything about your mark tomorrow, I can't wait to see that rose on you, too," Felix said sincerely, wanting nothing but the best for both Jisung and Hyunjin.

"Of course," Jisung whispered, his eyes getting wet with tears.

When he stepped back, Chan spoke.

"Make sure not to burn your kitchen down making pancakes at home, yeah?" Chan teased, his smile nothing but soft for the younger. Felix laughed, whining a bit at the older.

"And you make sure to keep me updated with your music, Chris," Felix said smiling from ear to ear. Chan felt extremely miserable at the idea of not being able to see that smile for who knows how long.

Felix was the first one to step ahead this time around, throwing his arms around Chan's shoulders and hugging him tightly. Chan's mark burned so much he was afraid Felix could feel it too through his shirt. Apparently, he didn't because a moment later he pulled away, his smile nothing more than a pull at the corner of his lips and his eyes glossy. For the first time, Chan believed that he wasn't the only one miserable at the thought of parting ways.

Felix then turned to Changbin, the two of them sharing a small smile before silently hugging each other.

"Call me when you land, okay? And I wanna be the first one to know about your soulmate mark, even if it's in the middle of the night," Changbin warned, his voice firm but so gentle that Chan had the feeling they were intruding in a private moment.

"Bold of you to assume I would have cared of waking you up anyways," Felix tried to joke but a small sob made his way through his lips together with his words. Chan noticed how a tear fell on Changbin's cheek too.

"It was amazing to spend time with you again, Lix, I'm gonna miss you so much," Changbin said, their hug becoming tighter. Felix whispered something back, probably an "I'm gonna miss you, too" so silent that Chan couldn't hear it.

Felix's flight was called and that was the cue for the younger to make his way through the checks. With one last wave and his eyes just as puffy as Changbin's, he turned his back to the three of them, getting further away, step after step.

In his sadness, Chan noticed how his mark had suddenly lost all its warmth, turning cold again. A coldness he hadn't felt since Felix had arrived in Korea, bright smile and freckled cheeks for him to fall for.

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