👿Chapter 1👿- before

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Hi people! Enjoy this book! Pls also check out my other book I have written called a secret admirer, also based on Jachary. ⚠️Warning⚠️ This chapter contains gory and mention of self harm.

Zach's pov

It was meant to be a surprise for us, but we never found out. Reese was dancing to some music playing on the radio in the car, and Ryan was listening to music through his headphones. I chatted to my mum, trying to suck the surprise out of her, as dad drove. Everything was perfect.

Suddenly, a white van comes swerving out from the lane next to us. Dad screams, skids, then all I see is blood. I get thrown off my seat on to a some glass covered surface, and I feel it sinking into my skin. Glass smashes around us, just like our life. I lifted my hand to my face and saw red, then moaned. My leg was numb, covered in tiny scratches,  like insect bites: and I tasted iron in my mouth. I felt lifeless. Everything was dizzy. I saw images in my mind of two limp bodies of my mum and dad. I screamed.

I hear sirens in the distance, then a lady is talking to me calmly, and she wraps me in a big blanket and puts me on a stretcher, then I am loaded inside the back of the ambulance. Everything after that was darkness.  But in my mind, all I could see was blood. That moment never left my mind.

-4 days later-

I woke up, moaning. My whole body ached and felt like I was walking through golden syrup. I heard hushed voices and distant beeps; I smelt cleaning products. I saw a white ceiling. Why am I in hospital? My mind try's to focus on the right memory, but they were all coming to me. Then it comes rushing back to me, as clear as crystal.

The glass.

The blood.

The darkness

I suddenly realised, what is the point of living? No one wants me. I was a grain of sand in a tidal wave. No one would notice if I died. I would get a new possession: a gravestone. All mine. Or would I have to share one, because no one was bothered to pay? Why not die? Everything around me now each looked like a new opportunity for suicide. The tube that fed me. The tweezers.I breathed heavily; druggy. 

My head spins at that glorious new thought.

Friends: none.

Family: barely alive

Other: who cares

I seem to have all the right reasons to do it, don't I? I wanted the intimidating ocean to take me to a nicer place than this prison, that I had been sentenced in my whole life.

A nurse with a overloaded makeup, bleached hair and a fake smiley face comes to me.

"Thank goodness your awake honey! Would you like anything?" She asked, fussing around me.

"Mum, dad." Is all I mumbled back in response.

She suddenly looked concerned and her eyebrows furrowed.

"What's wrong?" I whimper.

"I'm afraid they are still in coma. They might not make it." She whispered soothingly.

"Can I see them?" I asked. Anything for them.

"Ok, love, but not for very long." She supported me and helped me walk down a few corridors before we reached a room with a sign on it, saying: serve coma. We stepped inside. I saw my parents on separate beds, both wearing gas masks and had lots of tubes attached to them, leading to the many more machines around them.

I heard the beeps as they breathed.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beeeeeeeeeep.


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