🌳Chapter 6🌳- my happy place

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Jack's pov

I saw something was up with zach. It might have been the way he rushed out of the room too fast, or the fact that he didn't smile at me. 

After 20 minutes had passed, I thought something was definitely wrong. I put my plate away and went into his room. He was not there.

Nor was he in the bathroom.

I sighed, and entered my room. It was chilly, not like how I liked it. I saw my window was wide open, and there were scuffed trainer marks on the windowsill. The window had definitely not been open before.

That's when i realised he wan't here at all.

I quickly grabbed some clothes, washed my face and curled my hair; grabbing a hoodie, my phone and keys.

"Where are you off to, pancake boy?" Mum teased.

"I remembered something I needed to do. Bye mum, bye dad!" I rushed out the door, letting the cool fresh spring air hit me in the face. I walked speedily down the road, heading for the city.

I visited my frequent shops, then the beach, but he was at neither. If I was zach, where would I be? I wondered. 

He was quiet. He hurts himself. A quiet place, not to many people. 

The park. I headed to the nearest park, and opened the gate. The birds welcomed me and the trees murmured. I wondered around, past the pond onto the cafe. 

Suddenly, I then saw zach behind the cafe, near the public toilets. My stomach lurched. I heard fists before I saw them.

I turned the corner and saw zach tied to a lamppost, being beaten up by two older kids. He was crying silently, a bloody face and ugly cuts. I couldn't tell the difference between the ones he did and the ones they did. I then saw anger.

1,2,3,4... I tried counting to 10, but before I had reached 6, my fist came in contact with one of the bitches face, and my leg came in contact with the other bitches ass. He screamed, and bent over. I saw zach staring at me, with a wet red face.

"Sorry, this is my fault." I said, untying him from the pole. His shoulders sagged, and he hugged me tightly.

No it's my fault. Tell your family thank you, and that I wish I could see you in the future, he wrote, a single tear trickling down his cheek, as he handed me the note.

"No." I said firmly, looking into his eyes.

Why not?

"Because my parents love you, and I really like you. Even though I haven't known you very long, I feel a connection. Zach, you have to remember we are all unique. None of us are made from the same stardust. It's not your fault you met me. If it was a mistake, it was a very good one." I looked at him closely.

When we get home I will show you my diary,

"Ok, come on zachy. I want to read!" He smiled at me and stood up.

Zach's pov

I was wandering around town for ages, before finding a green space with a quiet cafe. It looked welcoming, so I opened the gate and let myself in. I went around to the back to find some benches, when someone grabbed me by the neck and yanked me by a lamppost. My head hit it hard, causing a cold feeling to enter my body. I had barley recovered when I felt a knife slice my right arm a bit. I didn't scream.

I was used to it.

They punched me in every possible place at least twice, then tied my hands up making me loose blood circulation, then they punched me all over again.

1,2,3,4... I counted. It was useless. I think this was my destiny.

I suddenly saw a curly haired boy staring at me. Jack? I wondered. He walked over, but then I remembered he had anger problems. Boy, were these bitches going to have ruined faces. He untied my hands, and I have him a note.

He stuck his middle finger at the bullies, and shouted, "bitches!" Really loudly. I felt a bit embarrassed. They fingered him back, but he didn't  pay attention.

Seeing my story note, It made him sad, and so then he started talking about stardust. I love stardust.

When jack talks about it, it makes me feel like I can fly.

I decided it was time to show jack my diary. 

I hope he will understand.

𝐌𝐔𝐓𝐄, JacharyWhere stories live. Discover now