🖤Chapter 2🖤- the graveyard

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Hi people! Thank you for reading my story! This story has references to death ( a lot of them) so sorry if it's dark. 😅😏

Zach's pov

The graveyard was held in iron gates. Tall, menacing. Dying ivy strangled graves; strangled trees. The winding path got smaller and smaller as you got deeper and deeper into the home of dead bodies. Before you knew it, the path stopped, but gravestones carried on like a sea in front of you. Old, young, innocent, mean. Everything and everyone was here. The home of the dead. The home of the forgotten.

Here lies josh Herron and Myta Herron.

Loving parents and siblings 

Forever we I'll never forget you

Myta: - to -

Josh: - to -

Ryan carefully placed some bright sunflowers on the grave, but they just didn't fit there. This gloomy grave was nothing but intimidating and eerie. Bright, happy flowers belong in a jar in a house where a happy family is eating dinner together and discussing pointless things that don't need discussing. 

Reese held on to my hand, whimpering. The mood matched the grey clouds above us, spitting rain upon us. Her cuts were healing the quickest: all they looked like was many mini scars. Ryan and I still hand bandages on though.

"May light shine on this grave, may they live happy in heaven. We love you mum and dad, and we will never forget you. We love you." Ryan said, then stepping away. Reese stepped forward.

"We love you mummy and daddy." She burst into tears and I hugged her tightly. Ryan signalled for me to step forwards. 

I stepped forward, and took a breath.

"...." no sound came out.

"Come on zach, again? You haven't spoke since mum and dad died." He looked at me firmly. Reese moaned, and looked at me with her wet eyes.

I tried again, but once again no sound came out. He sighed despairingly, and said,

"It's killed you, hasn't it. We only have each other."

We left the graveyard. I saw all the people that had died in my head. The ones that deserved it; the ones that didn't.

The sudden deaths.

The torturing ones.

The slow ones.

The fast ones.

You name them, they were all here.

At the orphanage, a lady came to us and said, "hello, what are your names?"



"And you?" She looked at me kindly.

"He doesn't speak. He is mute." Reese said simply.

"Ok, let's get you sorted. Ryan, dear, could you come over here for a second?" She looked at him sweetly, but I was disgusted.

"Yeah, sure. Reese you stay with zach." He looked at me firmly, the look dad always had given us when we disobeyed him.

I saw them talking in a low voice, occasionally throwing a glance at me. They were talking about me, and I hated it. A few minutes later, she and Ryan came back over to us, and the lady, called miss Haverhill, took us to our rooms. "Here you are, floor 4. This is reese's and Ryan's room, and here is zach's room. Please feel free to stick things on the wall, fill the wardrobes! The only rule here is to respect each other. Are we clear?" She finished happily.

"Yeah," Reese and Ryan said. I nodded.

My room was small and bare. A small window stood over the wardrobe, and a fragile bed sat gloomily in the corner. The light flickered when I turned it on. A blue carpet, more grey now, lay dully on the floor. It was worn, which made me think of the leather seats in our family car. The car which now is at some far away dump. Which made me think of their gravestone. Their smiles. I silently cried on my bed, until I had no tears left. I then scrolled through instagram.

UsernameHa: so sorry I heard what happened.

Ohyaas: forever rest, we are here for you.

JackyRAvery: sorry for what happened.

These comments made me smile. A smile full of pain, that ached my jaws. I heard Ryan knock on my door, telling me it was dinner. I grabbed some paper from my rucksack and wrote,

Not hungry, I will skip tonight 

I slipped it under the door, and heard him say, "we are here for you buddy. Don't forget that."

Then his footsteps walked away. And I silently cried again, crying myself to sleep.

𝐌𝐔𝐓𝐄, JacharyWhere stories live. Discover now