🏫Chapter 12🏫- school day

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This Is the second to last chapter, kids! Enjoy!

Jack's pov

I was texting Corbyn, asking if he could take us to school.

ramendude🍜 hey bro

Bean🧠 hey bitch

ramendude🍜Could I have a favour?

Bean🧠 depends 

ramendude🍜 Ok could u take me and zach to school

Bean🧠 sure I'll be there in 10


"Zach, Corbyn will collect us soon!" I shouted, due to zach still styling his hair. He appeared at the top of the stairs, in a big hoodie I had given him. It was too big for him, but he looked adorable in it anyways. 

Corbyn pulled up on the drive, rolling down his window.

"Be quick! I have to drop Christina in a dawn lesson!" He shouted, beckoning me and zach over. It was then when I saw Christina sitting next to him, laughing. I climbed in besides zach, and shut the door.

"So, Corbs, how is love life for you?" I smirked. Zach was smiling too.

"Jack, shut up." He was smiling though, you could hear it in his voice.

"No, let him speak! I want to hear all about it!" Christina said, laughing. I think she deserves Corbyn, and she seems quite nice.

So it ended up quite an entertaining ride. Christina found out about Corbyn's crush on her since 5th grade, and Corbyn found out Christina had liked him since 6th grade, after the canteen incident.

When we pulled up, me and Zach got out of the car and thanked Corbyn. I slipped my hand into Zach's, and he blushed.

"That ok bub?" I whispered.

I love it he wrote.

*skip to lunch*

I was sitting with the usual: zach, Jonah, Daniel and Corbyn, though Corbyn had made us allow Christina with us. I saw Daniel kept on looking at Jonah. His ocean eyes would flick around the table, before always landing on Jonah. I excused myself to the bathrooms, dragging Daniel with me.

"What do you want?" Daniel huffed.

"To know your sexuality." He gulped and looked away.

"I-I don't know Jack. I like girls, and I think they are pretty, and I have had crushes on them, but then I like boys as well, and I feel funny when I look at them. For example..."

"For example?" I hinted.

"J-Jonah. He's so..... nice." He sighed.

"Daniel, it's fine to feel this way, you know. When I found out I was bi, I didn't mind. It makes you special."

"What am I?" He asked, curious.

"I would have thought bi, cos that's when you like both genders. Zach's gay, which is when you only are attracted to boys."

Daniel nodded, then went wide-eyed. "Are you and zach a thing?" He whispered.

I blushed, and whispered, "I'm going to ask him tomorrow I think. I know he likes chipotle, so I might take him there because I know he doesn't like me trying too hard."

Daniel nodded, and asked, "can we go back and join them?"

"Ok." We went back to the group, and zach looked worried.

Do you like him? He wrote.

"No zachy, I think he likes someone else," nodding my head towards Jonah. Zach smirked.

He kissed me lightly on the hand, and bit his lip.

"Don't worry zachy. I loved it." He looked relieved.

Zach's pov

When we got home, I saw jack was acting slightly suspicious. He would divert the conversation between us, but then would kiss me passionately. He was in his room right now, mumbling to himself. I knocked, then opened the door to reveal jack surrounded by clothes and paper. He looked up, frightened.

Jack? Are you alright? I asked.

"I'm fine Zach! Now, why don't you go and write in your diary or something."

I've done that. I stepped over the pile of shoes and sat next to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and wrote,

You can tell me anything

"I know. It's just, I'm planning something for you but it's just not right." He sighed and buried his head deeper into my chest.

I'll leave you alone then- sleep well angel.

He took a deep sigh and fell asleep on my lap, and I stroked his hair carefully, not wanting to wake my angel up.

Jack's pov

Is loving you a dream? If so, please don't wake me up.

𝐌𝐔𝐓𝐄, JacharyWhere stories live. Discover now