😶Chapter 4😶- my mute brother, part 2

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Zach's pov

I packed my bag, feeling excited. The cute boy's family had adopted me! But I was suspicious. Clearly there was a sign downstairs pointing to the toilets. Why has he come to my room? 

It's not like I cared. It was a horrible room.

Downstairs, I picked my rucksack up. It was light because my only possessions I wanted was my phone, my diary, my knife, and a spare change of underwear.

In the car, I sat by the window, staring intently into the distance. Jack was looking at me, as if he was trying to work something out.

"I'm jack, by the way." He said. His voice was rich and deep.

Jack. Jack. Jack. That was so nice to say.

I'm zach Herron, I wrote on a piece of paper. I handed to him and he smiled. He put the note in his pocket, even though it still had plenty more space on it.

-At the house-

Jack's pov

When we got home, I took zach's bag. I was surprised by how light it was. He frowned at me but blushed. I walked him to the door, where my parents were smiling, holding each other's hands. Did they know zach was mute? 

"Come on zach, darling. Let's get you inside."

Ok, thank you, he wrote on a piece of paper.

"Good son!" My dad ruffled zach's hair. Zach's hand shot up to his hair, immediately styling it back. I chuckled. He was into his hair like me. He looked over to me and blushed. He blushed a lot. Inside, I showed him his room. It was our spare bedroom, opposite mine. It had a big window above the bed, with a desk and a small wardrobe. The curtains had music notes on them, and an old guitar lay in the corner. He wrote,

I really like it

"Cool!" I replied, Feeling warmth spread through my heart.

He picked up the guitar, and tuned it in a few seconds. He then played a relaxing tune I had never heard before. I think he had made it up. Though it was amazing. It was smooth and felt like it could kill you.

"Your so good!" I said, raising my eyebrows.

Thank you, I made the song myself. I would sing it to you, but I'm mute. He wrote, a single tear dripping down his cheek.

"Have you recorded it?" I wondered out loud. He jumped up, smiling in his eyes. He grabbed his phone, and found a video of him singing.

It's embarrassing so please watch it in your room he wrote. I nodded, and walked out of the room into mine. I pressed play.

I still see your shadows in my room
Can't take back the love that I gave you
It's to the point where I love and I hate you
And I cannot change you so I must replace you (oh)
Easier said than done
I thought you were the one
Listening to my heart instead of my head
You found another one, but
I am the better one
I won't let you forget me

He sounded so rich, so perfect. I carried on playing it while I looked around his phone. He had some pictures of him bare chested. He looked so cute. He was quite muscular, and wore a lock necklace around his neck. I saw one of a gravestone, with sunflowers on it. His mum and dad's gravestone. I saw one of him with his family. He looked so happy. So fucking cute.

I heard a knock on the door, and quickly jumped up and deleted my search history on his phone.  I opened the door and saw him standing there.

Could I borrow some pyjamas? And can you sing for me? He handed me a slip of paper.

"Sure, here are some." I handed him some of my tracksuits and a baggy top, and then lead him to his room. He had placed his diary on his desk, alongside his phone. 

I used to be scared of the ocean, 

cos I didn't know how to swim,

But I took one sip of your potion,

Know I'm just diving in,

I sang from my soul. Zach slowly shut his eyes, before writing a short note and handed it to me.

Your really good at singing. Thank you for picking me.

I left him cosey, and went to my room. I went on Instagram for a bit, then turned my phone off

It was midnight when I woke up. I felt like something was wrong. I lightly tiptoed over to zach's room, and saw him hugging his knees, silently crying. I sat next to him, and saw he was drawing. He had drawn a sketch of people. His brother, his sister. His mum, his dad. Me. He had drawn over everyone with sketches of me.

 Kissing him. 




Scrolling through my phone.

I didn't mind seeing those images. I kind of like them he was really good at drawing. He looked up at me with damp eyes, jumped and shoved the drawings in his diary.

Why are you here he, handing it to me with regret.

"Hey, zachy, I like you to you know?" I lifted his chin up and looked into his eyes. They were dark brown with streaks of forest in them.

I like you more he wrote, smiling at me then hugging me tightly.

𝐌𝐔𝐓𝐄, JacharyWhere stories live. Discover now