👄Chapter 11👄- lost in your arms

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Double update!

Jack's pov

When we got home, zach ran upstairs. I followed him, worried to see what he would do. Though, when I found him, he was sitting on his bed, furiously scribbling in his diary.

"Hey bub can I get you anything?" I asked, leaning against the doorframe.

No I'm good thanks he wrote.

I sighed and let him write. i went into my bedroom and looked through Instagram. Corbyn had posted a picture from when we were walking back, holding hands. It already had 3054 likes. He was looking at me in a way only couples would. 

Soon I was going to ask him to be my boyfriend.

I added a like to the picture, and went to check on zach. He wasn't there. I saw a note on the bed, clearly taken time to write.

Hey bub,

I've gone a walk to clear my mind, and I'll be back soon, about an hour or so!

Zachy x

I smiled and put the note down. But, as I was leaving the room, I noticed his diary open. It was whispering to me, calling my name, egging me to take it and flick it to what he just wrote.

Dear diary,

I'm a lot happier now I know jack likes me like how I like him. I think he likes me in that way, due to what happened in chemistry. I felt bad I couldn't help him though.

When I got beaten up, I thought to myself, when does depression end? 

Then I found the answer: when it ends you.

I was worried though, because I had depression, but jack is too precious to loose. I was very close to killing myself, but then hoping it would do damage to jack because then it would mean he has a crush on me.

I think I love him.


I smiled. Zach liked me. He loved me, even.

Zach's pov

I decided to take a walk around the park again. It was quite dark by now, and the first few stars were out. I loved stars. They are so magical and mysterious.

We are all made of stardust, scientists believe.

After my mind had calmed down, I went home and let myself in. I took my vans off, and went into my bedroom. I saw jack, shirtless. I didn't know what to do, so I just stayed there. He was strumming on his guitar. He looked adorable. Just like how our family was when we had a family night out. He looked up, and saw me staring at him.

"Hey babe." He smiled lazily, making me blush crimson.

Hi I wrote.

"You can come in, you know?" Jack questioned. His eyes followed me until I was sitting besides him. 

Cuddles? I wrote, biting my lip.

"Sure, come 'ere." He pulled me closer, till I felt his chest against mine. I smiled, looking up at him. I leaned in between the few centimetres that kept us apart, and my lips hit his. I felt sparks as his hand stroked my head.

*time skip because i can't write this smut*

I woke up in the morning, with my forehead against jack's.

"Hey." He said groggily. It was so cute when he spoke like that.

Hi  I wrote.

He leapt out of bed, grabbing some tracksuits and threw me a pair. I silently laughed.

We held hands we walked downstairs. I bit my lip, not sure of what jack's parents might say, but when they saw us, the dad chuckled and mum said,

"Looks like zach might actually be related to us someday!" Jack blushed. We sat down for breakfast side by side, and he placed his hand on my thigh. He looked at me to confirm it, and I nodded.

I wish he could be all mine.

𝐌𝐔𝐓𝐄, JacharyWhere stories live. Discover now