💖Chapter 13💖- I love you

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So this is the last chapter.......

Jack's pov

It was midday when I asked zach. I went into his room, and found him sitting on his bed, strumming on the spare guitar, writing lyrics in his diary.

"Hey Zach...." I started. He looked up at me, looking me up and down.

Hi jack! he wrote.

"Yeah, so I was um, wondering if you wanted to go to chipotle, for like, a d-date, um, because I love you."

Zach was wide eyed, and was bright red but he looked happy.

I would love that, he wrote 

"I'm going to go and get changed." I said, and he nodded, scooting to his closet. I walked back into my own room and tried on my whole wardrobe. None of it seemed to work, but I ended up picking out some white dungarees and a white top covered in some blue, and my white vans. I brushed my teeth and curled my hair a tiny bit more. I looked in the mirror, smiling. I practised my speech.


every time I look at you I die inside.

Your eyes are a forest I could get lost in, and holding your hand is like holding the world.

You don't cross my mind- you live in it

You are my angel from heaven, you are my spring and summer.

I don't want the worlds attention: yours is enough.

Will you, Zachary dean Herron, be my boyfriend and make me, Jack Robert Avery, the happiest person alive?

I was satisfied with it, and went to find zach. He was brushing his teeth, and was wearing black ripped jeans, with a Beatles top and denim jacket. He looked 



One in a million.

Let's go zach wrote.

When we got downstairs, my mum bought out her camera.

"Mum!" I said in a strangled voice. She sighed, and hugged dad. Then, she went to wash up the plates from breakfast. Dad went upstairs, winking at me as he walked past. I rolled my eyes, but he just chuckled and went to get changed.

Me and zach stood outside for a second, before walking to chipotle.

In town, we held each other's hands and interlaced our fingers. It was unusually quiet for LA, more like a ghost town than a party town, which was what it was made for. Suddenly. Zach froze. 

"Come on zach-" I started. But then I saw it. A man, head to toe in black, was pointing a gun at me. This no-hearted man wanted to kill innocent people, to please.

 Maybe it was his backstory. One that you could spend ages crying over, surrounded by tissues. Or maybe this is how he spent his free time.

Hearts are never made practical until they are unbreakable.

Hearts are never made till-

Hearts are never made-

Hearts are never-

Never hearts-

Are hearts-


The world seems to stop. The man pulled his finger against the trigger, in a painful slow motion like they do in movies. 


I stumbled to the floor, but I still felt alive. I moaned, but stood up, only to see zach lying in front of me, a pool of crimson flooding him. He took the bullet. 

He saved my life.

"Zach, no, don't leave!" I whispered, crouching besides him. I held his fragile body in my hands. I heard sirens in the distance, but I know they weren't going to make it.

"Zach, I love you." I cried. He turned to look at me, pale as a ghost, and smiled weakly.

Then said his first and last words to me.

"I love you."

Before he faded away in my arms.

Ok I'm not lying I cried writing this chapter, 

𝐌𝐔𝐓𝐄, JacharyWhere stories live. Discover now