📚Chapter 5📚- more and more secrets

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Zach's pov

This was not good. I was falling in love with my adopted brother. 

Adopted. It felt so weird on my tongue. A word I thought I would never need to say. I guess the future has its own way of showing itself.

When I saw him, his eyes softened and I saw his gaze flicker to my drawings. Shit. I forgot I had drawn him all over everyone.

He was my new life.

I stared crying tears of pain. I looked up and saw Jack standing at the doorway.

He came in, and sat next to me. I wrote him a note, and he smiled. He tried to give it back, but I refused. I looked at him, the moonlight reflecting against his eyes. They were forest brown. He cuddled me close, and leaned closer to him. 

"Hey, it's gonna be alright." He whispered calmly into my ear. He smelt warm and welcoming like our house did when mum had just cooked brownies. My mum's brownies I would never eat again.

Because she was gone.

I sniffled and buried my head deeper into his chest. Right now I didn't want this night to end. Jack stayed with me the whole night.

 I didn't mind. I had the best sleep I had in ages.

In the morning, I woke up, and felt someone warm next to me. I jumped out of bed, my leg hitting the corner of the bedside table. I saw it was jack. He was snuggled up with the blankets, and had an adorable smile on him. His curly hair looked perfect even though he hadn't styled it today. I bit my lip, not to sure what to do. I heard his parents call,

"Zach! Jack! Breakfast!" 

I decided to leave him. I took some paper and a pen, and went downstairs. 

Pancakes were stacked high on a plate in the middle of the table, accompanied by sugar, lemon, syrup and berries.

"Hey zach, how did you sleep?" Jack's dad asked.

Good thanks, and you? I wrote, handing the note to him.

"Yes, good: thanks for asking! Wait, Where's jack?" His mum asked, concerned.

Still sleeping.

"Oh yes, get used to that! He loves to sleep, never gets bored of it! Waking him on a Saturday morning is a no no. I has to learn the hard way!" She said, showing me a scar running down her stomach.

Does he have anger issues? I wrote, curious.

"He hasn't been diagnosed, but we suspect he might. He sometimes gets overwhelmed and will start acting like your his human punch bag." His father replied shortly.

Jack's pov

I woke up with no warmth next to me. I looked around, seeing I was in zach's bedroom. I heard the clattering of knives and forks downstairs, so I assumed they were having breakfast. 

When I got downstairs, I saw zach smiling, and passing notes to my parents. I was glad to see him happy. 

"Hey mum, hey dad, hey zach." I called, grabbing a plate and getting my self some pancakes. 

I looked over at zach, who was eating a pancake drowned in syrup. I guess he has a sweet tooth.

"Son, how many do you need?" My dad asked jokingly. I went to hug him, and I kissed mum on the cheek.

"Have as many as you want!" My mum laughed. I look over to zach, who looked slightly uncomfortable.

I am going to go and get ready, thank you for the delicious breakfast! He wrote on a crumpled piece of paper, giving it to me.

Zach's pov

Seeing jack's family happy annoyed me. It reminded of those nights where I would have nightmares, but whenever I woke up my mum and dad were always at my side, soothing me to sleep again. I quickly got changed, grabbed my phone and brushed my teeth. 

How do I get out without them seeing me? I wondered. I went into jack's room, which had a bed, wardrobe and a variety of instruments and I looked out of the window. I saw a tree snake to the ground. It looked sturdy enough, and I grabbed hold of the first branch, then sliding down the tree until I reached the ground. I then bolted as fast as I could to the park.

Wherever that was.

𝐌𝐔𝐓𝐄, JacharyWhere stories live. Discover now