🎓Chapter 10🎓- school is my hell

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Ok my chapters are all random lengths.... and I update randomly. One promise! I will update this story at least once a week, but hopefully more. I might do a double update today though! 🤞🏻Thanks for reading and pls vote/comment/share/follow and give me feedback!

Corbyns pov

Wow. I knew jack was gay, and din't mind is knowing it, but the truth is, I think Zach's the perfect match for jack. Even though zach doesn't speak, he's cute, quiet and enjoys getting attention.

And jack loves doing that. 

Me, Jack and Daniel went to chemistry. We went inside, only just realising this was a grade up. I saw my crush, Christina, doing her work. I had had a crush on her since 5th grade, though she's never said more than a 'hi' to me. Though, while we were walking towards the door again, I felt someone burning my back. I turned around, and saw Christina staring at me. She blushed. I waved at her and she smiled and waved back.

Maybe we could be a thing? Once we had found the right classroom, Jack sat by himself in the corner while me and Daniel took up the last available table. Jack took his books out, staring into space.

It was about halfway through the lesson when Mr Dacummilo asked jack a question.

"And... let's see... jack? Do you know the answer?"

Jack jumped and said, "Zach!" Before turning bright red with embarrassment. 

"Care to share with the class?" Snickered Mr Dracummilo.

"N-No sir, sorry s-sir." 

When the bell rang, signalling the end of the day. Jack sprinted out of the classroom. Me and Daniel followed him, but lost him in the corridors. We bumped into Jonah and Zach.

"Hey guys, where's jack?" Jonah asked.

"Well..." I glanced at Daniel, who was trying not to laugh, "he accidentally said Zach's name because he zoned off, and went pretty red." Jonah stared, surprised. It was not like jack to blush: he was usually the rough one keeping us entertained.

Is he alright? Zach wrote.

"Well, he ran out of the classroom and we lost him." Zach went wide eyed, and went to the toilets. "Boy, is this an interesting day or what?" Daniel said. He was always the one looking for drama here.

Zach's pov

I ran to the bathrooms, wanting to comfort jack. Suddenly, I bumped into a tall person. I tried to walk past him, but he held onto my shoulder.

"Woah, little boy, where the fuck are going?" I looked up and saw him smiling menacingly. I wish jack was here. He would jump to protect me, then I would feel depressed because it should be me doing that. Not him.

When does depression end?

When it ends you.

I found myself sprawled on the floor, with a black eye and scratches all over my arm. He saw my other cuts. My ones: the ones I happily placed into my skin.

"Looks like your not popular?" He then stamped on me. I stayed quiet, and he laughed and left. No teacher came to me. 

I winced as I stood up. Luckily, the bathrooms were only a few metres away. Once I had made it, I saw a closed cubicle. Someone was sniffling inside. Jack? I wondered. I wrote, 'are you alright?' On a slip of paper, and slid it under the door. I heard rustling and then the door opened, revealing a bloodshot-eyed jack. His eyes widened when he saw me.

"Zach? Who did this to you?" With Panic in his voice.

Doesn't matter are you all right because Corbyn told me what happened in chemistry. I wrote. A tear fell down his cheek, and I wiped it with my sleeve. He smiled, and said,

"I need to be with you to protect you."

No, I need you just like you need me. I may be mute, but I'm still your brother. I always here for you 

He smiled and together, we walked home, our hands intertwined.

𝐌𝐔𝐓𝐄, JacharyWhere stories live. Discover now