🤐Chapter 3🤐- my mute brother, part 1

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Jack's pov

It was raining the day they told me. A new brother. I didn't mind the idea, though. A brother my age I could play music with. A person who could hang out with my friends and I.

 It was very busy in the Avery household. Dad rushed around, shouting things like, "where are the car keys?" And "where is the fucking car parked?"

Then he sat down, head in hands, and said, "we can't go, there are no car keys!" Mum found them though. We were already 10 minutes late. Only ten minutes, but to dad it seemed like we were days late.

Once, we were though. We were camping in France, and it was Sunday but we thought it was Saturday. Mum and dad were wondering why the shops were closed, and even more confused when a car came and shouted at them for not moving. It was 5pm in the evening when mum got a text from our friends asking where we were, because we were meant to be at there's 3pm, Sunday.

When we arrived, I saw a tall red brick building in front of me.

Zach's Pov

I hated that mum. Her fake smiles, bleached hair and heavy make up made the perfect recipe for a fake woman. But luckily she didn't choose me. But she chose Reese and Ryan instead.

"But, miss, I love you for picking us, but why not our big brother zach? He keeps us together." He said despairingly.

"How would he keep you together? He is mute. He doesn't speak." The lady complained.

"We are getting them no matter what, sweety pie." The husband said firmly.

It's fine, Ryan. She seems nice, and she chose you and Reese. I love you. I wrote.

Ryan's face crumpled, and gave me a long hug. I hugged him back and hugged Reese. Before I could write another note, they were whisked away carrying their heavy suitcases to the adult's car. I was about to walk up to my room again, but I felt miss Haverhill's hand on my back. I flinched. 

"Wait honey! There is another family coming!" She whispered.

I turned around and saw an adorable boy staring right back. He had cute curly hair shaved at the back, and wore no framed glasses, with a champion jumper and camouflage trousers. He blushed, and looked down. I damm wish that they will pick me.

Jack's pov

When we stepped inside, I saw two younger children dragging their heavy suitcases along the floor. The boy whispered to me,

 "pick zach. He is our brother and he needs a friend." Then with a tug, he was in the car, waving at a cute boy with gelled hair. I was guessing he was zach.

I called to my parents, and they turned around. "What is it honey?"

"There's a boy who whispered to me that we should pick zach. The one at the end." I looked up and saw he was biting his lip adorably. He wore some ripped black jeans and a red hoodie, with white vans.

Please pick him, please pick him, I thought.

I told my parents I needed the bathroom, and headed upstairs, assuming that's where it was. I found myself walking up to the 4th floor. A small door at the end grabbed my attention. I walked towards it, feeling relieved, only to find an older kid's bedroom. I looked around, and saw a bed and a wardrobe. That was about it. I saw a diary on the bed, with a red cover and neat writing saying: zach's diary. 

Zach's diary? I thought. The cute boys diary. I picked it up and opened it on a page dated 3 days ago.

Dear diary,

Hearing my parents hospital machine stop was horrible. I Punched the fake nurse in the face, and ran out of the room. I didn't stop running till I reached a nearby park. My cuts ached, my brain hurt.

 It was 10pm, when I cut myself. A deep cut in my left leg. It will probably leave a scar, like the other 7. 

I've gone mute, and I can't to speak. Not even to the remaining of my family. I feel so broken. The car crash haunts me. And it will never stop.


I saw a crumpled mark in the page, clearly leaving the mark of a tear. I didn't realise his parents had died. A car crash. And the cut. The way he writes it so casually, cutting himself so deep. I closed the book, and looked around. I was just walking out of the room, when I bumped into someone. Zach.

What are you doing here? He wrote.

"Sorry, I couldn't find my way to the toilets." as I spoke, I found my glaze flicking towards his left leg. The diary was right. And ugly cut peeked through his jeans.

Your parents chose me so I am packing my stuff. Bye. He wrote, handing the paper to me. He then walked into his room, and I went downstairs.

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