👑 The Goddess's Hero (EB)

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Title: The Goddess's Hero

👑 Author: RiseAgain21

Genre: Fantasy

Tags: action action-adventure action-romance adventure demigods dwarves elves fantasy funnymoments general generalfantasy goddesses gods hero highfantasy jacqueline love magic magicalcreatures medieval original originalcharacter otherworld skye


The world is in turmoil. The dead are being brought back to life, demons are rampaging, and the once blessed gods and goddesses have shunned their creations leaving the world to be destroyed. Or have they?
 War is the only thing Skye Firebird has ever known. Raised as an orphan soldier, he has only ever fought. Born after the Great Apostasy, he has never believed in the mythical deities of his ancestors. All that changes when a chance encounter with the Goddess of Life and Death, Jacqueline, disrupts his life forever.

💎 Reviewer: EliBees


Title 4/5:

Simple title, but very intriguing.

Cover 4/5:

I love original artwork and this looks very nice. It definitely drew me in.

Blurb 4/5:

The blurb is also very enchanting and definitely piqued my interest. The only suggestion I have is to remove 'Or have they?' It's not needed and it's a bit cliche. I'd consider revising that bit. Otherwise, it's an excellent blurb.

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling 15/15:

Excellent grammar, punctuation and spelling. I love the way you weave the words on the page!

Worldbuilding/Descriptions 10/10:

Very impressed with this worldbuilding and how you've created Gods and Goddesses. I especially love that you didn't info dump the worldbuilding onto the reader. Very nicely done.
Plot Development/Pacing/Chapter Structure 19/20: The plot development and pacing is so excellently done. I found myself scrolling through each chapter with complete ease and devouring the intricate plot you've put together. The story is very well developed in the first four chapters.

Character Development 19/20:

I love how you give a tempting glimpse of Jacquiline and Skye's lives and a small piece of what they've been through. It's so easy to get attached to both MCs right from the beginning of the novel. Honestly, the character development in this novel is just so spot on. I'm extremely impressed.

Originality 9/10:

While the concept of Gods and Goddesses has been done so many times, your take on this genre is so refreshing. I'm so intrigued by the deities you've created! I love how Skye and Jacquiline meet. The way you explain the Gods powers and described the fight between Sky and Jasper was phenomenal.

Enjoyment/Hook 10/10:

I have to be honest, I knew I was going to enjoy this story from the blurb. Then that opening paragraph completely hooked me in and I devoured, just completely ate up those first four chapters. Very impressive.

Summary 94/100:

Where to start!!! This novel is EXCELLENT. I haven't been that sucked into a story in a long time. I was so disappointed when I completed the first four chapters, it just wasn't enough! For readers who like mythology, deities and magic this is the story for them. The way you build your characters and the plot is exceptional. You should be extremely proud of the story you're telling and the world you're creating. I truly enjoyed reading this novel. You're a fantastic - FANTASTIC writer and this piece of work is so original and so wonderfully written. Thank you for letting us see into your world. I hope you keep writing amazing stories like this. Very, very well done.

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