👑 Near Fall (DKE)

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Near Fall

👑 Author:

abuse, boyxboy, bullying, gay, highschool


Cathaoir [KA-heer] Whelan has finally bulked up enough to make the wrestling team. He's 16, he's scrawny, and he hates sports. He wants to make his dad proud, but he knows the jocks will never treat him well. But then he meets a boy at practice who's...actually nice to him?
Cathaoir has never handled change well, and his sophomore year might hold more than he can handle.

💎 Reviewer: dke0618

Title: 3/5

I honestly didn't pick up on the correlation between the title and the story. (This may be a blonde moment I'm having though)

Cover: 5/5

Your cover reminded me of wrestling shoes, which immediately made me think of C and Wallace!!!

Blurb: 5/5

I think the blurb gives us everything we need to know about what to expect. Just reading it had me interested!

Grammar/punctuation/vocabulary: 15/15

I saw no mistakes since you have already had this story edited!

Worldbuilding/descriptions: 10/10

This was definitely one of your strong points in writing this novel! You did a wonderful job giving us a visual on C's everyday life! I was able to feel his emotions as he tried to sort out his feelings for Wallace. You also easily had me as a reader, very angry with how he was bullied.

Plot development: 20/20

I can honestly say I was blown away by how thought out your plot was. The prologue itself builds up to something big happening leaving your reader eager to find out.

Character Development: 18/20

You did very well with all of your characters. The only one I would like to see more background on is Wallace. How did he end up becoming one of the jocks? Do his parents know he's gay? How is his relationship with them?

Originality: 8/10

This isn't an original idea but you made it completely your own! This is the first book I have read with gay/bisexual main characters, and you gave me so much insight! I think it's great how you're making your readers aware of the struggles that the LGBTQ community goes through.

Hook: 10/10

Before I knew it I had read the whole published part of the novel, so I have to admit the hook is amazing!!


I absolutely enjoyed this book! I can't wait to see how their story continues to unfold! I'm also ready for a Braden/Wallace throwdown! joy Thank you for giving me an opportunity to review this book. It really showed me what life can be like for the LGBTQ community. I feel like this novel brings the dark aspects of bullying to light!

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