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Youngjae sighed softly as he continued petting Coco, growing bored of studying for his test in the morning. He knew he would do fine anyways, but he always pressured himself over small things.

He pushed his book and notebook away as he picked up Coco and laid down on his bed. He was setting up the projector in his room so he could watch a movie.


Youngjae's phone sounded, it was the sound of the notifications he receives from Instagram.

As he continued looking for a movie it dinged again. He wondered who it was, or what it was. He knew people would often like his photos of Instagram, but he shut off the notifications that notify you when someone likes something.

Someone had to be messaging him and he was utterly confused. But also a teeny weeny intrigued because he loved talking to people.


hey cutie you never messaged me back:( how was your day?


id like to say thank you for calling me cute but im not sure im able to say it back since i have no idea who you are? but my day was decent ig...we did nothing in class. how was yours...


it may sound weird but you do know what i look like...im almost sure of it. :) but why only decent, didn't enjoy your class? my day was good ig..i mean im talking to you now so my days gotten a bit better ;)

Youngjae smirked playfully as he chuckled at the message. He decided to check the persons profile to see if there was any reference photo of what the person looked like.



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hi :)

Youngjae smiled softly because even though the persons entire face wasn't shown, he still looked attractive from one eye haha.


how come you never show your face on instagram? all i was shown from looking for your face was your eye and hair lol. but you seem to have a good following hehe

Youngjae gasped as he sent the message. He only says hehe when hes texting a friend and its embarrassing since this Jae person doesn't even know him like that.


Jaebeom blushed as he saw the message. He chuckled as his blush became even more evident.

He squealed like a little girl as he threw his legs up and down on his bed because of how cute Youngjae was.

Jaebeoms cat Nora jumped onto the bed and rubbed against his forehead purring as Jaebeom smiled.


i'll show my face to you, all you have to do is ask though. :) and hummm earlier you called me weird, but your'e the one stalking my profile stats....who's the real weirdo here hehe? ;)


Youngjae palmed himself in the face as he groaned out in embarrassment. Jae had been right, that was a weird thing to say. But the guy came onto him so thats still weirder...right?

He pouted as he laughed at himself. He was actually really enjoying his playful conversation with Jae.


well then show it to me then. and dont call me the stalker here, your'e the one who began this dming. ;( but how would i see you?


Jaebeom laughed at how cute Youngjae was when he got upset or pouty. He texted back anticipating for the next day.


you'll see me, but you wont knows it me. observe hard enough and you'll find me hehe. goodnight cutie my cat wants to go to bed.


Youngjae surprised himself as he frowned since Jaebeom said he was going to bed.

He shook his head and looked at Coco in order to tell himself to calm down as he messaged back shutting off his room light.


okay goodnight, sweet dreams ig :/

sorry that sounded mean okay goodnight :)


Jaebeom chuckled as he put his phone aside and smiled as he thought about seeing Youngjae tomorrow.

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