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Jaebeom sat on Youngjaes couch as his eyes roamed looking at the scenery of Youngjaes loft.

Youngjae was preparing some coffee for Jaebeom, as he was also preparing tea for himself. Coco jumped onto the olders lap who had been sitting on the couch peacefully. Jaebeom petted her sweetly as he smiled down at her, as she licked all over his face.

Youngjae looked over to his side, wondering what they were doing. He smiled to himself at the sweet picture before his eyes. He had never had a boyfriend who had met Coco or anyone play with her and seeing someone play with her other than him, made him feel all kinds of butterflies.

He smiled away the feeling not wanting to get too attached to something that couldn't be his. Taking the two mugs he walked over to the couch plopping down next to Jaebeom and Coco. Coco jumped over to him as she sniffed the two mugs as he kissed her on the forehead gently.

He passed Jaebeom his mug as he sat criss cross apple sauce way on he couch. Jaebeom was watching him do so and he felt as if his heart was going to shoot out through his chest at how cute the younger was. He hid his blush and smiled at the younger.

"I honestly don't know why I had you stay with me Jaebeom. I feel embarrassed now. A lot has been going on with me, well within me and I wanted to let it out but I don't know how. I know this is weird especially since we barely know each other. I'm really awkward about emotional talks but I'd really like to talk to you. Can you show me how?"

Youngjae became really red and lowered his head as he felt way too shy in front of the older. Jaebeom's eyes widened as he felt or the younger male.

Jaebeom lifted up the youngers chin making eye contact with his teary eyes. Jaebeom kept eye contact with him as he asked,

"Youngjae I'm gonna comfort you, but I would have to hold you. Can I?"

Youngjae was shocked at the sudden proposal but nodded as he put down his mug. Jaebeom pulled Youngjae towards him softly, as he allowed the younger male to cuddle into him.

Jaebeom was able to see what the younger smelled like and it was a mix of strawberry shampoo, and vanilla. Youngjae also smelled the older, it was a scent like hazel and chocolate mixed together. Jaebeom was warm and Youngjae felt calm and at ease while in his arms.

Jaebeom caressed the youngers arm as he began speaking,

"Youngjae I dont know what situation your'e going through, but I want to be able to be there for you. I wanna be able to understand what your'e going through. Youngjae your smile is so bright, knowing that you could smile so beautifully towards me, and be hurting on the inside makes me sad. I wanna see you smile again. But your real smile."

Youngjae felt tears coming down his cheeks. He did spread many fake smiles along his way. To hear that Jaebeom was warmed by those smiles meant the world to him. Knowing that warmed his heart as he flipped around and squeezed onto Jaebeom.

Jaebeom caressed his back as the younger cried into his shoulder hugging him tighter as he felt calmer and calmer being with Jaebeom.

Jaebeom pulled the younger male back as he wiped away his tears. Youngjae looked at him as Jaebeom leaned in and kissed his forehead. The kiss was soft but comforting in every way. Youngjae cupped Jaebeoms cheeks as he looked into his face with an 'o' face on. Jaebeom was wondering what the younger was doing.

Youngjae leaned in only 1 centimeter between their lips. Jaebeom froze as Youngjae continued moving in, anticipating what was to come next.


Jaebeoms lips felt soft as Youngjae pressed onto him. Jaebeom touched Youngjaes shoulder and embraced him more as he opened his eyes trying to see how the younger was feeling. Youngjae was gasping for air as Jaebeom pulled away slightly, being able to see the red tint among the youngers face.

Youngjae covered his face as Jaebeom stared at him intently. Jaebeom pulled his arms away as he kissed Youngjae again. This time pushing Youngjae down on the couch as he kissed him. Their legs were tangled as Youngjae wrapped his arms around the olders neck as their faces likely fused together and fit perfectly together.

Jaebeom debated on whether he should use tongue or not. Youngjae had said something that made him unsure if this was a new feeling for the younger male, so he didn't want to shock him too much. Jaebeom glided his tongue over the youngers bottom lip asking if he could enter or not. Youngjae opened one eye as he could feel the heat from Jaebeoms mouth entering his entire being. Youngjae opened his mouth allowing the older to add tongue to their heated make out session.

Jaebeom explored the youngers mouth inch to inch. Jaebeom had never enjoyed kissing, because mixing saliva with another persons saliva just sounded gross, but with Youngjae it was different. Youngjae was experienced he just couldn't really show it. He was a bottom after all so it doesn't necessarily brush off with ease.

Jaebeom pulled his tongue out as he gave Youngjae two last kisses. Jaebeom lifted himself up, hovering over the younger male. Jaebeom sighed,

"Choi Youngjae, I think I like you. Like a lot. I dont know what any of that just now meant to you, but that felt so good I could scream right now from how happy I am."

Youngjae pulled the older down onto his chest, making Jaebeom the small spoon.

"Hyung, I enjoyed it a lot too. I did it abruptly and I honestly thought that it would drive you away. I thought you were going to reject me. But you accepted me, and definitely in a good way."

Youngjae blushed furiously as he said the last part. Jaebeom chuckled looking up at the younger.

"Youngjae Im no gonna rush anything with you, and I want you to decide what you think about any of this before I give you my take on all of this. Or my take on you."

The last part he had said into the youngers ear, to have that everlasting affect.

Youngjae blushed hitting the olders shoulder, making Jaebeom laugh as he sat up.


They ended up watching a movie or two. They laughed and cried at the cheesy romcoms Youngjae had found on the recommended.

Jaebeom was watching Youngjae he entire time, unlike the screen. Youngjae was gorgeous to him and he felt as if he meant everything to him, so how could he not look at the most precious thing to him.

Jaebeom left at around 10 as Youngjae sneaked in a kiss goodbye as he ran back into his apartment, leaving Jaebeom with the taste of the youngers soft lips to cherish.

Jaebeom smiled to himself as he walked home.


Little did he know someone had been watching,

a certain someone who had already mentally claimed the young korean,

Jackson Wang.

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