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It's been two years since Youngjae had lost his ex boyfriend.

He had met his boyfriend in grade school. Youngjae was always outgoing, and so was his boyfriend, once he met the male of course.

The boy had been sitting outside by the shade during P.E. when Youngjae spotted him for the first time. The boy had been watching a bird makes its nest above his head. Probably making sure the baby bird eggs inside the nest wouldn't fall on his head.

The boy made eye contact with Youngjae, shocking him but proceeding to walk up to the mysterious male. Youngjae plopped himself next to the boy,

"I'm Youngjae, I don't think I know you. What's your name?"

The boy was take aback by Youngjaes forwardness, but proceeded to tell him his name, as he smiled at him back.

"My names Mark, nice to meet you haha."

Mark smiled brightly at the younger male, who they would soon find out was two years younger.

Mark's friends called him back over so he could switch in for one of his friends, to play basketball with them. Mark yelled back saying he would go right away, as he felt the younger tug on his shirt before he could get up.

Youngjae blushed regretting tugging onto the olders shirt,

"Oh, I'm sorry it's just...wanna hangout sometime?"

Youngjae looked at the ground as Marks confused face turned into a smile, as he laughed replying,

"Yeah for sure, my bags still right there, in the red notebook write your number and address, my numbers on my phone if you wanna just look at it."

Mark ran to the court as he began playing with his friends. Youngjae blushed as he finished writing down his information and his friends dragging him back to the other court where they were playing volleyball.

Mark looked through the fence separating him (8th grader) from Youngjae (6th grader), who was playing volleyball. Mark smiled as he could see how the younger smiled around his friends. It made him happy to see him like that with his friends.


When Youngjae began highschool as a freshmen thats when Mark started to acknowledge his feelings for the younger male.

Youngjae knew he liked the older male as well, but since Mark was older, he felt that it would be weird for them to date, or still associate with each other.

Mark was a junior, so he was two floors higher in their high school building than the younger male was. When passing period bells would ring, Mark would run down the stairs and crowded hallways to make his way to Youngjae's classroom so he could talk to him for the 10 minutes he could spare.

Youngjae always enjoyed seeing the older male exhale and inhale violently from running down so fast. They always joked around and many of their friends enjoyed the company of both of the boys. Its almost as if they were perfect for each other despite their age.


During spring of Marks junior year, he was preparing to take his ACT's and SAT's, as Youngjae was preparing to take his very first finals.

To relax and just hangout they would meet on the rooftop of the school. It wasn't allowed for anyone to be there at anytime, but they could care less. One day they were there together eating lunch,

"Mark, how come you don't have a girlfriend?"

Mark almost choked on his juice from the sudden question, at how nonchalantly the younger could ask that type of question. Youngjae continued sipping on his juice waiting patiently for a response from the older male.

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