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Jaebeom softly had a smile on his face as he walked closely next to Youngjae as they headed to where the younger needed to go. The rain was pouring down pretty hard and Youngjae stuck his arm out to feel the rain hit his finger.

"Jaebeom hyung dont you think it's weird how water just falls out of the sky? I know its just nature but its weird right."

Jaebeom blushed as the younger took the olders hand in his own to let him feel the raindrops as well. Youngjae laughed at his childish thoughts as he softly let go of Jaebeoms hand.

"Ahh, i'm sorry that was really random hehe. But rain is really pretty in all honesty. I dont know why, but I love doing my homework as the rain pours down along the window in front of my desk."

Youngjae laughed loudly making Jaebeoms heart almost skip a beat hearing the wonderful sound. Youngjae smiled as he got a notification on his phone.

It was a notification from him and Jaebeoms teacher advising them that there would be no class tomorrow, and for them to enjoy the day off.

Youngjae always was really touchy feely with people he considered to be his friends even if they had just met. So when Youngjae grab Jaebeoms arm excitedly telling him that they didn't have class tomorrow he was almost caught off guard. His eyes widened as he looked down at the smiling man holding him arm.

Youngjae let go quickly feeling that he probably made Jaebeom feel uncomfortable.

Jaebeom felt bad for this and softly sighed while smiling at the younger male.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make it seem like I didn't like you grabbing my arm. i was just surprised haha. Here we'll walk like this, it'll help us become closer haha."

Jaebeom took Youngjaes arm and intertwined their arms together making them be directly next to each other as they continued walking.

Youngjae blushed slightly as he could feel how muscular Jaebeom was underneath his hoodie. Youngjae mentally smacked himself for thinking something weird about someone he had just met about 20 minutes ago.

Youngjae felt as if they got along well even though they had just met that short ago. It was a natural bond he felt, he enjoyed the time he was spending with the older male. He laughed thinking about his thoughts to himself. Jaebeom looked down at him with cute confused puppy eyes; well is what it seemed like to Youngjae.

"Jaebeom hyung you know you look like a confused little puppy when you wanna understand something hehe. It's cute haha."

Youngjae said as he softly pinched Jaebeom's cheek as he excitedly walked into the sitters because they were right outside the door.

Jaebeom just stood outside the door shocked at how good it felt to be called cute by the cutest being on earth he thought to himself. He blushed thinking about it putting the umbrella in front of his face, to mask how embarrassed he really was.

He felt a soft tap on the umbrella as he lifted it revealing a cheeky Youngjae holding an adorable white dog in his arms.

Jaebeom smiled as the dog wagged its tail happily to greet the stranger. Jaebeom booped its nose as Youngjae put Coco closer to him allowing her to lick his face all over. Jaebeom laughed as he asked to hold her. Youngjae smiled handing over his cute baby to his new friend.

"This is my precious baby Coco, shes my whole world haha."

"Thats adorable Youngjae shes so cute and very friendly. I have five cat, I love them."

Youngjaes heart warmed as Jaebeom smiled brightly talking about his pets. Youngjae smiled back at the older enjoying his day even more.


"Youngjae do you want me to buy you and Coco something to drink while we finish walking you home?"

Jaebeom stopped walking as they were outside a convenience store. Youngjae nodded shyly because he always felt bad asking for people to buy him things, especially when it was offered because he felt like a needy puppy in these situations.

They walked in as they tried to hide Coco's existence so they wouldn't be kicked out for bringing a dog inside. Jaebeom tried not to burst out laughing as Youngjae panicked trying to stuff Coco under his hoodie, showing a huge bulge like he was pregnant.

Youngjae playfully hit Jaebeoms arm as he blushed because of Jaebeom laughing made the cashier look at them curiously.

Jaebeom scanned over the drink options, grabbing a banana milk flavored aloe drink, as Youngjae grabbed a strawberry milk flavored one. Jaebeom paid for both the drinks as Youngjae waited by the door for him.

"Lets go JaeJae." Youngjae blushed for some reason at the new nickname Jaebeom had for him. Jaebeom was surprised himself because it kinda just came out.

Youngjae held the umbrella as Jaebeom opened his bottle for him because the seal was really tight for some reason. Once he got it opened Youngjae was going to take it from him, but Jaebeom offered to hold it for him as he drank so it wouldn't be much of a hassle switching.

Youngjae took a sip as Jaebeom softly pressed the bottle against his lips. Youngjae blushed slightly feeling shy that someone older than him was helping him drink something.

Jaebeom smiled as Youngjae said he had enough. Youngjae watched as Jaebeoms adams apple popped out and sank back in as he took a large sip of his banana milk. Jaebeom had mentioned he really like banana milk.

Youngjae thought to himself,

"How can someone look like that while just drinking banana milk"?

Jaebeom looked at him asking him what he said because he heard Youngjae mutter something.

Youngjae shyly and nervously said that he said nothing that he was just thinking out loud. He sighed out because of how close that was.

They soon arrived at Youngjaes apartment where Jaebeom said goodbye to both Youngjae and Coco.

Jaebeom waved goodbye to both of them as he walked himself home next feeling ecstatic about how his day went.

"Coco, he's a really good guy right. Hmm, daddy doesn't know what he's thinking haha. My emotions are everywhere. Let's go inside cutie."


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