People like me don't get happy endings

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Hello Kittens!

Sorry I haven't posted in a little while I've just not had the motivation to wright any of my current stories so for the time being I'm just going to be updating what I feel like whenever.

Also can you guys tell that I wanted to write a depressed Izuku fic?

Anyway enjoy the first chapter of this one and if you haven't already check out some of my other fics.

Remember to leave feedback and comments. They give me more motivation to write.

[Please stop correcting me on what Volume got blown up. I know that it was Vol. 13, but I changed the timeline in this. The events in this chapter are in their first year of middle school instead of their last.] - Edit 7/8/20


This chapter contains: abandonment, bullying, cutting/aftermath of cutting , suicide baiting, suicidal thoughts, and suicide. If any of you are uncomfortable or triggered by the mention any of these leave the story now


⚠️⚠️⚠️Aftermath/Mentions of cutting⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

Izuku opened his eyes and shut off his blaring alarm clock. He laid there looking at the ceiling for a good 10-15 minutes, honestly, he didn't care. He just felt so tired. The familiar empty feeling filling him, willing him not to get out of bed today. Slowly he got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. He walked in and shut the door heading over to the sink and grabbing the bandages and peroxide from the medicine cabinet.

He took the bandages off his arms, they trailed from his armpits to his elbows. About 20-30 cuts lay on each arm, as well as a plethora of scars, some of the wounds had reopened and were bleeding slightly. With a sigh, Izuku began to clean and re-wrap his injuries.

He looked up into the mirror and made a disgusted face at his reflection. Eye bags from lack of sleep, ugly freckles scattered across his nose and cheeks, horribly untamable green and black curls, as well as a few bruises marring his face, courtesy of his classmates beating him up.

Izuku got out the concealer and foundation he had hidden in the cabinet. He covered his eye bags and bruises. He looked back up into the mirror and flashed his fake smile that no one seemed to notice.

After that Izuku made his way down stairs to the kitchen, he looked around and noticed a note the fridge.



For The next three years I'll be living with your father in America. I know it's not the best decision to leave you here alone, but I figured you wouldn't want to leave all of your friends.

Love and miss you - Mom

Izuku looked at the note blankly. 'I'm honestly not surprised she left me...'He thought, the empty feeling turning to phantom pain in his heart.

'I might as well get ready for school.' Izuku muttered to himself, ignoring the pain in his chest.



Izuku had his earbuds in walking to school, listening to My Own Worst Enemy by Lit. He was just ignoring the world, tuning out the taunts and jeers his classmates threw at him.

He made his way into his classroom and sat down peacefully listening to his music. Until an explosive palm landed on his desk, causing him to flinch back violently and fall out of his seat, his earbuds being ripped from his ears due to the fall as well.

His classmates all started to snicker and jeer at him. "Look at him! He's so fucking weak and pathetic!" He heard someone say behind him. A group of girls in his line of sight give him the loser sign, then start laughing and making fun of him. All around the room everyone is doing something similar.

"So the Hag tells me your Mom fucked off to America and left your worthless ass here! Ha! Not even your own fucking Mom wants you shitty Deku!" Kacchan Says.

Izuku just tunes him out, he was expecting this... 'I know I'm getting a worse beating than normal after school today.' Izuku thinks numbly to himself, the painful feeling in his heart returning with a vengeance.


⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️Bullying & Suicide baiting⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

It was the end of classes Izuku was packing up before his notebook was ripped out of his hand.

"The fuck is that Deku?" Katsuki spat the name like it was poison, " 'Hero Analysis For The Future Vol. 12' really? You still haven't given up the fantasy of being a hero!? News flash nerd! I'm the only one from this shitty school that's becoming a hero! You have no chance! So why don't you just forget it already?" Katsuki said before shoving the notebook into his pocket. "I think I'll keep this, not like you're gonna need it anyway." He said before walking out of the room.

Izuku sat there for about 10 minutes lost in thought, before resuming his packing. As he was getting ready to walk out of the room he was pushed back into his chair, and the chains of someone's quirk wrapped around him. He looked up and saw one of Kacchan's 'friends.'

He smirked at Izuku, "You know you really should just give up on being a hero, it's not gonna happen! I mean have you looked at the statistics for quirkless people? The suicide rate is 35% by the age of 15 and goes up to 55% by the age of 25!" He taunted, "The ones that don't kill themselves off are either poor, homeless, sex workers, or murder victims."

He shook his head, "Give up not just on becoming a hero, but on life. Your a worthless pest that everyone wants to see die. If you don't end yourself then you'll probably just get stabbed or something, unless you like the idea of selling your body to random old guys for money." He got close to Izuku's face, "You probably do like the idea of that, its the only way anyone would ever fuck you. No one loves you and no one ever will."

He retracted the chains from Izuku and started walking away before looking over his shoulder and saying, "Do us all a favor and kill yourself. You don't matter and you never will, Deku." He says before walking out.

Izuku was numb. Everything he said was true and Izuku knew it. He didn't matter. No one loved him, not even his Mom, if she did then why did she leave him here. His only real hope for a good job would be to work as a stripper or a prostitute and he didn't want anyone looking at or touching him... He was hopeless, nothing mattered. Izuku came back to himself and found him on the school roof.

'Do us all a favor and kill yourself. You don't matter and you never will, Deku.' That last sentence rang in his ears.

⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️Suicide Warning⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

Izuku made his decision. He got out an extra notebook he had for school.

To whomever finds this and/or my body

I Only did what everyone always wanted. A quirkless person like me could never hope to be anything successful. I could never have dreams because no matter what they were they were unattainable. I could never have friends because I would only hold every one back.

Kacchan, become the number one hero. I know that you can do it, you're amazing after all. You're so much better than I could ever hope to be.

Mom, I'm not sorry that I did this. It was going to happen eventually. All I ask of you is to forget me. Stay in America with Dad and be happy. I know you never were when I was around.

People like me don't get happy endings, but that doesn't mean that I should hold you back from being happy.

Izuku (Deku) Midoriya

With the note finished he took off his red high-tops and stuck the note into one of his shoes. He climbed the fence on top of the railing, looked out over the city for one last time, and fell.

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