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Hello Kittens!

I hope you enjoy the chapter!

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Also I just hit 200 followers! Is there anything you guys would like me to do? A new story? A one-shot book? A Q &A? Anything else that you would like?

(Edit: I took out the Latin thing that was there. I decided to scrap that idea s it didn't fit with the plot.)


"Tch. Don't thank me you moron, I only did what the proes should have." He said, "Bakugou Katsuki." The two were then swarmed by medical staff wanting to check them over.

"Oh, holy shit I thought that was going to end a whole lot worse." Izuku said pulling his knees to his chest in the spot where he was currently floating above Kacchan and Kirishima? That's what he said his name was right?

Izuku sighed, "Jeez I honestly thought that Kishima guy was about to join me in the afterlife." Izuku muttered to himself, "I haven't seen any other ghosts other than Nana. I wonder how she's doing..."

"I'm as fine as I can be, being dead and all." Izuku jumped, causing him to flout at little higher than before and clutch where his heart would be if he was alive. He turned around and there stood the former number one hero before All Might; Nana Shimura aka All Star.

"Holy crap were you trying to give me a heart attack?" Izuku asked, exasperated.

Nana chuckled, "I can't exactly do that."

Izuku gave her a withering glare, "Not the point." He sighed, " What are you doing here? I thought that you were always by All Might?" Izuku asked looking around before spotting the blond skeletal man, "Never mind."

Nana looked over at the blond with a look of fondness and exasperation, "He used up his time already." She sighed.

"I'm like 95% sure that he's about to hunt down Kacchan so he can ask him to be his successor..." Izuku said, glancing back to look at the ash blonde.

Nana shook her head, "Yeah, if I know Toshi that's exactly what he's going to do. He always makes major decisions on a whim, that dumb ass."

Izuku chuckled, "And if I know Kacchan he's gonna say no." Izuku said.

Nana raised an eyebrow at him, "He may be getting better about a lot of things, but he made a promise to become the number one hero for me . So he'll want to do so with his own power and without help." Izuku explained.

A look of understanding crossed over Nana's face, "Ahh so that's what needs to happen for you to move on."

Izuku nodded, "Yeah." Izuku said, a sudden smile over taking his face, "I guess we're both relying on blond dumb asses, huh?"

Nana snorted, "That we are. A terrible decision really, but not much we can do." She said, "Also don't think I missed that curse you threw in there." She said ruffling his hair.

Izuku rolled his eyes, "It's because you're a terrible influence." Izuku said, no heat in his voice.

He glanced down, "Looks like my dumb ass is on the move." He said, "I'll see you again when he rejects All Might."

Nana snorted, "You can just call him Toshi you know, not like he can say otherwise." She said, "I'll see you soon kid."

Izuku gave her a final smile before flying off to catch up with Katsuki and Kirishima who apparently tagged along.

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