Ghost Boy

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I've been in the mood to write, here ya go children.

Enjoy the chapter leave comments and feedback

"Yes. I can see you." Kirishima answered, "I can't hear you though, but I can read your lips."

Izuku stared in shock at the redhead. No living person could see him, and paranormal quirks barely exist.

Does this guy have two quirks? He remembers Kacchan rambling to his grave about the boys hardening quirk, but nothing about this-

"It's not a quirk if that's what you're thinking." Ejiro interrupted Izuku's wild train of thought, "My family just has a history of being sensitive to the paranormal, even before quirks."

"Oh.." Izuku floated over to the boy, reaching his hand out to see if he could touch him-

Nothing, his hand slipped right through his living companion, causing a wave of disappointment to crash over Izuku, "S-sorry.."

"It's fine, you're just curious. I'm guessing no living person has been able to communicate with you?"

Izuku shook his head, "No."

"I figured as much," Kirishima continued, "Well, now you have me! You can seek me out and talk to me whenever you want! My family even has a few things spirits can use so we can communicate better."

Izuku smiled, but stiffened, Kacchan would be back soon.. "Don't tell Kacchan about me, please?"

Kirishima blinked before nodding, "I won't tell him, not unless you want me too."

Izuku now saw what Kacchan saw in Kirishima, he was really nice and very considerate.. it was nice, after years of not being able to talk to anyone, except Nana, he could finally have a friend.

"Thank you."

The two of them talked for a few more minutes, Ejiro immediately stopping the conversation when he heard Katsuki approaching.

"Hey.. sorry I ran off like that."

Ejiro smiled at him, "Its alright, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah.." Katsuki muttered, his cheeks flushing to a soft pink, "We should probably leave.. You probably don't want to be here.."

Ejiro shook his head, "I don't mind being here, but if you want to leave then we can."

Izuku smiled at the two of them, watching their interactions was something that he'd done for quite some time now.

Now that he knows Ejiro can see him that's not going to be happening anymore. It's one thing if no one can see you, but an entirely different thing if people can.

Great Izuku sounds like a stalker..

● ° ☆ • °

"Hey, Izuku. " Ejiro greeted the green eyed ghost. It had been about two weeks since he had officially met the greenette and he had been coming by Ejiro's house most days to talk.

It made sense that he would, from what Ejiro could tell Izuku was a wisp spirit, a classification of ghost that form when a person who lived a life of loneliness died.

He felt for the spirit boy, he was very sweet and extremely smart, offering to try and help Ejiro with his homework when he saw the redhead got stuck, he didn't deserve the hand he was dealt when he was still alive.

"Hi," Izuku greeted, "What are you doing?"

"Just chilling, I was hoping you would come by today." He admitted, "I'm kinda bored and you're nice to talk to." He said, causing Izuku to smile.

That's something that Ejiro picked up on quickly, Izuku loved feeling like he was important and that people wanted him around.

Ejiro enjoyed seeing the ghost boy smile, every time he would see him before letting him know he could see him, Izuku always looked so sad. Sometimes he'd even catch the boy crying, it made him wish he had his Mom's ability to touch ghosts. He really wanted to give Izuku a hug, and possibly play with his hair, it looked really soft.

"Is there anything you want to do or?"

Izuku shook his head, "Not really. Is there anything you need help with?"

Ejiro thought for a few moments, mentally going through if he had any assignments he hadn't done yet, "Aizawa assigned us an essay over the quirks of one of our classmates. I got Todoroki, you're good with analyzing quirks, right?"

Izuku's eyes light up excitedly, "Yes! If you have some video or something I can see then I can help you out more!"

"I think there might be something online, he's the kid of the number two hero and I think I saw some stuff online before. "

Izuku floated closer to the redhead, smiling brightly at him, "You're going to ace this essay! I promise!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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